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Scuff. Scuff.
A noise woke me up. Like a soft skittering on the carpet.
I worry too much.
Probably the AC. But they had smooth ACs here... everything was smooth her.
I didn't care to think about it. Too sleepy.
I crawled onto Bruce, who was on his back, and cuddled on his warm chest. I started worrying again.
Clay would kill him.
Then lock me in a room forever, if he knew everything that had happened since the day Bruce and I met.
Wood? Metal?
That was too close for comfort.
Like right beside the bed.
I rolled and peeked over the edge.
I sighed.
No worries Alo. You're just jumpy. Why? I don't know but you are.
This time it sounded like a hunter's knife that had trouble opening.
I was NOT imagining stuff.
Suddenly, there was a faint bump under the bed.
Somebody is down there.
How I wished for a knife myself.
"Bruce..." I shook his shoulder gently and whispered. "Get up. There's someone under the bed."
Bruce slowly sat up right as a laser shot through his pillow.
"CRAP!" He yelped, some of his singed hairs landed on the scorched pillow.
A few seconds later a long, sharp hunting knife cut the mattress between us.
"FU-dge!" It was my turn to yell, and I cut myself before cussing.
The knife dissapeared, and Bruce jumped up- fully awake- as it came up again and nearly impaled his leg.
It vanished again.
Bruce and I jumped off the bed and scooted away towards the wall, staring at the blankets. Nobody moved. I didn't even blink.
The dagger didn't come up again.
Instead, something moved under the bedframe, a shadow within shadows.
A small red dot started to brighten against the black.
I pushed Bruce hard right as a laser-beam shot out from the shadows, burning a quartersized hole in the wall where he had been leaning on seconds before.
Right above my tremblings hands.
"Would it kill somebody to let me sleep?" I mumbled, right before the knife flew at Bruce. Again.
He rolled right and the blade lodged itself a few inches from me.
If only I could get to that knife...
So I risked it.
Bruce was still recovering from repeated dodges, no more weapons were being shot, and the blade was right there. I dove after it.
The feeling of metal was relaxing.
No more defense.
Offense was the only way.
I watched the shadows closely, hearing as Bruce crouched into a ready position and the intruder sguffled a little.
Finally, the red dot started to shine again.
I had to time it just right, or the stranger would know my plan, I scooted closer to Bruce. It seemed like he was the target.
Just a little longer...
3... 2.... 1... jump!
The laser shot and I blocked it with the shiny knife blade, reflecting it towards the darkest shadow under the bed.
Just as I expected, there was a loud yelp- and a string of cusswords that were seared into my mind forever.
The shadow crawled out. To my surprise, it wasn't Clay. From the dark clothes and weapon array, it was probably a hired assassin. An enexperianced one at that. The young female killer sat cross-legged, looking from Bruce to me, Bruce, me, and back.
I eventually got tired of the silence.
"Leave." I growled, poing at the open window.
"But, I won't get payed! Professionals don't leave without pay!" She whined, crossing her arms and pouting. What a professional.
The night was so surreal, I didn't care if she had an extra knife at the ready.
I walked towards her and poised the knife at her neck.
"Leave." She nodded and sprinted towards the opening, jumping out and running through the bushes. "And tell your the idiot who hired you that he should stop trying to kill Bruce Wayne!" I yelled after her. Bruce realized what I meant instantly and balled his fists.
A few minutes later, there was a loud cellphone going off. We raced downstairs towards the sound, arriving at the guest room.
I put my ear to the door.
"Is it done?"
"Sorry boss. There was a crazy girl there. Protecting him."
"What? You're a professional! Killed everyone you've been assigned! No matter the obstacles."
"Yeah, about that... that was my first... um... job. Hehe."
"WHAT?! Fine. You know what? You don't get your money."
"No! Now never call me again."
"Yes boss."
"I mean, yes Clay. Sir."
I cursed under my breath. My brother, hiring an assassin to kill Bruce?
I was about to barge in and yell my head off when Bruce scooped me by the waist. I struggled, trying to get through the door.
"Who's there?" Clay sounded near to the wooden slab.
Bruce took the distraction as an unfair advantage, throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He ran to our room, where the singed bed miraculously still stood.
"What was that for?" I whisper-shouted. "He tried to kill you! Again!"
"Calm down. I have an idea." Bruce layed me down on the hot bed. He closed the door but didn't lock it, and closed the windows.
"Wha- what are you doing?" I stuttered, my stomach feeling hot and heavy. Adrenaline started pumping through my body as he smirked, the same look in his eyes as the day he first kissed me.
"Getting revenge on your brother." He said, like if I should already know.
"How?" I didn't like it.
"Don't worry. I won't do anything to you. Just make sure that if you make any noise, you do it very loudly." He got on top of me, resting on his knees with me between them. His crotch right over my womanhood.
I suddenly understood what he was going to do.
This was going waaaaaay too far.
"Wai-" Bruce shut me off with a passionate kiss, gently resting his body on mine. I kinda didn't want it, but I moaned. And I didn't need to exaggerate to make it extra loud. Bruce was that good.
I pulled his head closer to mine, savoring every moment. We hadn't been like this since the morning with the pancakes.
Bruce stopped abrubtly. I looked at him, silently begging, even though I didn't want it in the beginning.
But instead of kissing me again, he leaned over and bit my neck.
"BRUCE!" I gasped, my voice probably audible in Alaska, and he kissed softly where he bit, earning another loud moan. He moved closer to my lips and bit the bottom one, causing me to breath rapidly and gasp. Slowly, he left a trail of hot kisses down my vulnerable throat, stopping at my collerbone. His breath was warm against my tingling skin. I was holding onto his neck, feeling as though I was going to burn up.
Instead of going down, thankfully, Bruce continued left, kissing my shoulder, to the point where he was slowly pushing the strap of my sports bra off of me with his chin. In the moment, I hadn't noticed when he took off my tank-top. (It lay on the floor in a heap, banished externally in Bruce's mind.) He left the strap right above the elbow, revealing my shivering shoulder.
Suddenly, he bit my right ear hard, making me shriek in surprise and delight.
The echo of rapid steps traveled through the house. Clay bust the door open right as Bruce pulled me in for a deep kiss, nudging the strap of my sports bra down and pulling my arm over my head to take it off. The strap, not the bra.
Bruce must have noticed Clay because he ignored him entirely, reaching down to gently pull at my shorts while his attention stayed on my lips. He got them the point where my underwear was showing when Clay yelled.
"DON'T SEND ASSASSINS AFTER ME THEN!" Bruce countered, clawing my underwear down, all the while staring daggers at Clay, until he could clearly see my V-line. He leaned over, covering me from Clay's sight.
Clay regained from his shock and took three steps towards us. Bruce pulled down my bra, still looking at Clay. My heart started pounding as the fabric was ripped from my body, cast away with the yellow top.
Please no Bruce. No no no.
Clay took three more steps.
"Take another step and I'll take off my the rest. Both of ours." Bruce threatened, reaching towards his own boxers.
Really Bruce? Are you going to make me lose my virginity infront of my brother.
"Ok, ok. Just, don't do anything to her. I don't know how you knew, but I'll leave. Just don't touch her." Clay slowly backed away, arms held out infront of him.
"Lock the door." Growled Bruce. Clay did as he was told. "Now leave and close it behind you. Go to your room, and stay there."
After Clay's steps were safely away, Bruce didn't turn towards me. Instead he got up and tossed me my clothes.
"Get changed." He whispered. "I'm sorry, I don't know what got to me."
"It's fine." I squeaked, slipping on my bra and fixing everything else.
"You can turn around now."
"No, it's fine, really." I walked up to him and gave him a big hug, then pecked him on the cheek. Bruce kissed me softly. He layed on the bed and I curled into him.
"I didn't see anything, if that'll help."
I lauged into his chest.
"Don't worry. It's prone to happen sooner or later. Just tell me next time."
"He deserved it."
"Yes. Yes he did."
The peaceful sleep lasted untinurrupted until morning.

WHOOHOO! 1K VEIWS! Thank you all so much! For you who voted, commented, and read this book. Shoutout to my friends, you know who you are, for helping me out with this book.
Even if you had to keep my phone out of reach to read the drafts.
~Alo out

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