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Thanks to SororaIbnElSuul99o for bringing this up.

  I know most of you Batman fans don't find Batman/Bruce being him. Yes. He is not some wierdo rapist guy.
  The reason this book was first written was to vent out when I got horny, and people started to like it so I thought "WTF this is good."
  That's the main reason Bruce supposedly falls in love with Alo in the second chapter and why almost every part gets this || close to being a smut scene. I am sorry if any of you think this book is not realistic and I'm not sorry also because I know it's not. I'm trying to fix that mainly by fixing chapter 14 by saying he got drunk.

And to AlyssaWoron because her awesome book Better Batmen Needed is true. Thank you for the enlightment. :3

And just so y'all know I'm 14 so I get horny really often and that particular night I was like 😍 👉👌
So chapter 14 was bornz.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience and I might as well write a smut scene soon cuz this is going nowhere.
I will try to make Batman Batman and Bruce Bruce so hang on with me here!! :'3

Thanks for reading all the way through and I'm sorry if your opinion is like what I just mentioned. ~Alo out :3

Read these peoples books cuz they have talent!! :3

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