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"Master Bruce, the lady is awakening. And she seems healthy enough to leave." A voice echoed.
"What in the world?! Alfred, last time she saw me I was Batman, saving her from The Joker! Let's just hope she didn't hear what you just sai-"
"BRUCE WAYNE IS BATMAN?!" I bolted up on the bed I woke up in. What in the world?
"Alfred?!" Yelled Bru-Batman. He was still dressed up as Batman. I looked around to see I was in Wayne Manor.
"Sorry Master Bruce." Alfred apologized, but I thought I saw a hint of a smile as he lowered his head.
"Oh great. Now she's going to tell the whole world." Moaned Batman.
"No I'm not!" I snapped. "I'm not a bad person! I swear! I don't want bad guys chasing you down 24/7, I just don't." I pouted.
"Alfred?" Batman looked at his butler in question.
"Well..." Alfred looked at a screen behind me, which I hadn't noticed. "Her heart ratings say she's telling the truth so.... but we can never know. Unless you want to sacrifice her life or her memories, she's gonna have to stay with us so we can watch her closely." This time I swear I saw him smile.
Batman hit his head against the wall repeatedly, obviously in deep though.
"Fine. But she gets... she gets the room connected to mine." The little skin you could see under his mask turned tomato red. Alfred bowed and said he was going to get my stuff. How in the world do they know where I live anyways?!
Batman trudged towards me and took off all the tubes connecting me to the machine.
"Well I guess I'll have to give you a tour then." He moaned after he had finished.

The tour was quick. Rooms, ballroom, bathrooms, living rooms, and tomorrow he would show me the Bat Cave and the Batmobile, since I already knew everything. We started heading to the master bedroom when Batman stopped infront of the door.
"What's wrong?" I asked. Batman leaned againt the door and started playing with the end of his cape.
"Well..." he started. "This is new for me. And I don't know what will happen. But... do you promise to behave?" Batman looked up at me with his adorable eyes, and all I could do was nod.
"Thanks. But if you decide not to, remember, I'm Batman!" I tried not to laugh but a few giggles escaped my throat. Batman smiled and opened the door. I gasped at the sight. A giant fluffy king sized bed lay against a wall, and a giant tv propped on another wall. Shelves of vases and books rested around the room. Elaborate decoratice curtains and, one or two embroided carpets, added to the room's royal image.
Batman walked towards a plain door far back that I hadn't noticed before.
"This is your room." He said simply. I stared at him captivated, only to notice he was still wearing his whole outfit.
"Aren't you going to take that thing off?" I questioned, signaling to his clothes. Batman raised a hidden eyebrow.
"You want me to take off my clothes?"
I flushed, feeling guilty for some reason.
"NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!" I yelled. "It's just that you are still wearing that suit and, I already know... who.. you... are?" Batman looked at me strangly.
"You never told me your name." He interrogated in a rough voice.
"Your name." Batman pinned me up against the wall, his eyes shining with something. I couldn't tell what.
"What are you doing?" My heart sped up to 100 mph. I realised I was facing his alter ego.
"Why are you afraid?" Tempted Batman. "If I recall correctly, before you fainted you said I was hot." He spoke right into my ear, jumbling my thoughts and senses with his soothing bad boy voice.
"Yes Batman..." I whispered. I couldn't control myself. "I love you so much..." Batman faced me and closed in. I reached and slowly pulled off his mask. Bruce Wayne looked back at me instead and smiled.
"It's funny," he laughed. "I've only known you for an hour and I'm already in love."
Bruce grabbed my waist and leaned in closer. Then, he kissed me. Deeply.
I hooked onto his neck as he stroked his fingers through my hair. I had to wrap my legs around him, or I would have fallen then and there. A small moan escaped his lips as I pulled him in closer.
Bruce fell backwards and we landed on the bed. But we didn't care. I started stroking his hair as we rolled over accidentally. I moaned softly as he hugged me, not letting me go.
Suddenly the door flew open and Alfred popped his head in.
"Master Bruce I brought the young lady's things, should I bri- oh." He turned around sharply and I could hear him speed-walk down the hall. And was he... laughing?! That little... no wonder he took so long! HE KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN! That's why he smiled when I was under recovery...
"Thank you Alfred.." I sighed, and Bruce looked at me puzzled.
"Oh nothing. Now let's go get my stuff." I kissed him one more time as I wriggled out from under him. Looking back, I saw him starting to change into regular clothes and quickly turned back, blushing. He chuckled softly and I walked out of hi- our room and downstairs.

Dark Love- A Batman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now