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  "Of. Course." Was Bruce's only response.
  I fell off the my seat laughing.
Both men looked at me like I was crazy.
  "Master Alo, are you alright?" Alfred asked, his face contorted with confusion.
  "Yeah- heh- that's just very unexpected." I got back up. "No really, what's his job?"
Alfred frowned.
"Oh. You're... serious? Seriously?" I choked.
Neither Bruce nor Alfred said anything.
"OHHHH fuck, were screwed."
And that was the first time I cussed in my life.

That night there was a robbery at a drug store. All the money and playing cards were stolen. The only things left were the Joker cards, and this time the culprit was authentic.
I had to stay at home "sick."

"You owe me one." I mumbled as Bruce closed the door behind him later that night, stumbling as he walked. We had a nice dinner, but he drank some stuff tha had him tipsy. To celabrate something that happened in Wayne Enterprises, supppsedly. Bruce had drunk alot of beer and wine.
  He reminded me of my Aunt's boyfriend.
"One what?"
"I wanted to fight tonight!"
"Fine then. I owe you one, right?"
"Yeeeeees..." I was suspicious then.
"I'll pay it back right now."
Bruce slammed me against the bed faster that the Flash, kissing me violently. He sat on my legs and pinned me down. He swayed slightly.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I asked as he paused to take off his shirt.
"You're brother isn't here... yet, and Alfred is out ...doing something."
"I owe you one." He slurred.
"THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!" But it sounded perf- no Alo. Don't get hot. He's sexy, though, and it sounds so good... You're nineteen and a virgin. This is what you've been waiting for. But isn't it technically forcing? Not really since you're enjoying it...
Pain snapped me out of my thoughts. Bruce was in boxers, biting my neck with force and grinding into me. I could feel myself getting wet.
"BRUCE! THIS IS RAPE" I hollered. His teeth managed to break through my skin, drawing blood. I gasped as I felt a drop fall towards my collarbone.
" Not if you enjoy it. I've waited a long time for this..." Bruce whispered slowly, I could smell the alcohol on his breath and realized he was drunk, right before shoving his hand into my underwear.
Adrenaline and panic filled me and gave me the strength to shove him of a good three feet away, his state making it easier.
"YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE OTHERS!" I screamed right before locking myself in the bathroom. An hour passed, Bruce's footsteps pacing outside of the door. He seemed to be mumbling to himself.
I sat on the floor with my head between my knees, pretending I wasn't there.
There was a knock.
"Uh... Alo?"
I said nothing.
"Alo, please open the door."
Still nothing.
"Don't make me drop-kick the door."
Reluctant, I smiled a little. But I was still angry.
"What do you want." I finnaly spoke up. My voice wavered more than I thought it would.
"I want to come in."
"For what?"
"Just to-"
"Just to touch me again? Strip me bare and tie me to the bed?" I was standing at the door and completely angry. "Am I going to be your sex slave, Bruce? AM I?"
That shut him up.
"Alo... please let me in. I beg you. I was drunk, ok?"
I sighed and unlocked the door silently, then curled up in the tub-hidden from sight.
Bruce knocked again and tried the doorknob.
It didn't take him long to find me in my top-secret hiding place. He sat in with me- fully clothed, thank goodness- and pulled up the loose strap of my bra. I slapped his hand off and looked away.
"Alo... I-I'm sorry. I couldn't help it."
I just sat there. At least he was sober.
"I thought you wanted it."
His words shocked me. When- why... since when had I ever said I wanted him in me? I knew he was a playboy and all, but...
"Why on earth did you think that?" I grumbled. Bruce chuckled.
"You don't realize it, do you?"
That got my attention. I turned around and faced him.
"Realize what?"
"Alo, ever since you "tortured" me that one time, I have woken up every single night. And you know what I see?"
"What?" Bruce, just TELL me.
"Yep. You're not laying on the pillow. Wanna know where you are?"
Bruce took a deep breath and smirked.
"Alo, you're hugging me, touching me and moaning my name."
I perched there with my eyes open in disbelief.
"You don't know how much I just wanted to take you right there. You wouldn't be able to walk for a month. Today I decided to save both of us the pain."
I turned back to the wall. So that's why every night I dreamed of Bruce. Although there seemed to be one thing that he didn't know.
"Bruce, there would still be pain for one of us." I whispered.
"I'm a virgin."
He seemed surprised, "But how?!"
"How?" I questioned, surprised at the fact that he was surprised. "I'm nineteen Bruce. NINETEEN."
"But... your just so... young... and... hot. You could have lost it to rape at the very least."
"I have. Almost. Many times." This conversation was uncomfortable, like my friend once told me that her mom told her how babies were made, and she was hoping to dissapear the whole time. Maybe I could crawl down the drain... I inwardly flinched. To me, it was something I was born with the knowledge of, and talking to Some grown male about it was kinda weird.
"By who?" Bruce tried to grab my hand- to comfort me, I guessed- but I pulled away.
"Drunk boyfriends, gangsters, rapists. They all wanted me for my only body." And now you joined the club. He didn't take the hint.
"But... if there are that many... how did you get away?"
"Instinct. But my friend... Ava... she got taken by some guy named Brian. I never saw her again. I was there when it happened- blindfolded. We were out getting some food at a thrift shop, when a mob of guys came in. Brian was this guy in a blue shirt with white contacts. They fell in love. We were kidnapped and taken to some place. I got out because my ropes were loose." I hid my face so Bruce couldn't see me start to cry. Ava was my best friend. She was the only one that understood the craziness of the universe with me. And now... she was gone. Just vanished with that Brian.
"Come on let's get you to bed." Bruce pulled me up, facing me towards him. He tipped my chin up and leaned in. Right before his lips touched mine, I pushed him away and walked out of the bathroom.
We got in bed. Bruce got into his usual pose, inviting me to curl into his chest. I turned my back to him and scooted towards the opposite edge.
It's not just gonna just fix itself Bruce. Don't expect me to cuddle into you anytime soon.
I fell asleep, dreaming of all the idiots of the past, and of Ava.

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