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"You never told me your name." Bruce poked my pancake and took a big bite.
"Hey that's mine!" I yelled.
"And it's delicious. Alfred has outdone himself yet again." Alfred yelled a thanks from the kitchen. Bruce smiled at his acheivment of pankake robery and celebrated by cutting his food into a smiley face. I punched him lightly on the shoulder and took a chunk out of his artwork.
"Not bad for a bat." I mumbled. Bruce dropped his silverware and looked at me evily. A wide grin took over his face.
"No.. Bruce..." He nodded and flexed his fingers. "Bruce. Don't dare... BRUCE!" Bruce lounged at me and I managed to get my plate out of the way. Then he did something horrible. The little bat tickled me!
"That's the whole point!" He laughed, trying to imitate The Joker. My plate slipped out of my hand but Alfred caught it before it hit the ground. He placed it on the table infront of me.
"Calm down you two lovebirds." He scolded. "You're going to wreck the new mansion before you even settle in." I blushed, remembering what happened a few hours ago. Alfred walked off to take my stuff to my room while we ate. Bruce looked at me seriously.
"No, really. What's your name."
"Alo." I said causally, drowning my pancakes in syrup.
"Alo?" Bruce was puzzled. "That sounds incomplete..."
"Well that's cuz it is." I explained. "My dad was drunk when he named me. He fell asleep in the middle of writing my birth certificate. When he woke up, he couldn't remember anything from that night, so nobody knows my real whole name."
"What about your mom?"
"She died giving birth to me. My dad died shortly after. Too much alcohol. My aunt took care of me but threw me out when I was old enough. She hated anything that had to do with my dad."
"I'm sorry..." Bruce contemplated.
"Meh... You get used to knowing your parents are dead. It's like a storm. The clouds will always clear. You just have to give it time."
Bruce nodded understandingly and we ate silently after.

Bruce sat on the bed as I unpacked my things.
"Yo Alo." He said.
"I have empty closets and drawers here. If you want, you don't have to go to the other room. You can just stay here. If you don't snore that is." Bruce chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. He was so cute like that.
"Alright!" I chirped. "But you have to teach me how to be Batgirl."
"Alright. But, why Batgirl, why not Batwoman?"
"Well I'm eighteen, so I'm not an adult yet." Bruce stared at me confused.
"You're eighteen? EIGHTEEN?!" He got up and moaned frustrated. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE EIGHTEEN!"
"You never asked." I said, sorting my clothes on the ground. Bruce sat back down and put his head in his hands. I stopped what I was doing and and sat next to him. "Do you not love me anymore? Do you batty?" I teased in a little kid voice and hugged him tightly.
"Because I love you. I've loved you since you saved my life, and I will still love you. No matter your age. No matter if you turn evil. No matter if you try to kill me... and my birthday is December 6th... so I'm gonna be nineteen soon"
Bruce sighed and muttered something under his breath.
"What?" I asked.
"It's only eleven years. That's the only difference. And..." Bruce looked at me with a puppy dog face. "I love you too much to let you go..."
Bruce held my face with his hands and closed in. We kissed softly for about a minute when Alfred popped in again, grinning.
"Master Bruce, may I be of some assistance?"
"Alfred! I threw a pillow at him but he closed the door and managed to dodge it. He walked off laughing. I sighed. Bruce laughed at me.
"You just gotta love Alfred." He mumbled.
"Yea, but I love you more." I pushed Bruce over and we landed laying down on the bed. I wrapped myself around him and lay my head on his chest. Bruce snored lightly and we fell asleep.

Dark Love- A Batman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now