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I squinted my eyes, trying to focus in the dark light. I should have never entered the alley. In Gothem City, this was classified as suicide. A rat scampered by my feet, startling me. All of a sudden I was aware of everything. Adrenaline pumped through my vains as a wicked laugh filled the air. The Joker.
"Hello little doll." He teased, his smile emerging from the shadows. "What would a young lady like you be doing in a place like this?"
"That's what I want to know..." I grumbled, trying to ignore him. The Joker giggled maniacally and stared at me menacingly, his red lips pulling back to show his back teeth. He pulled out a stack of cards and ran his finger along their edges.
"Well, I guess we'll have to figure that out, won't we?"
Oh no.
I dodged to the left as a razor sharp card whizzed by my ear, and a strand of my black hair floated lazily past my face. Another card came at me, and another, and another. All of them close calls. The Joker stared at his last card, a creepy smile dancing on his pale-white face. He stalled, looking around me, studying his surroundings. His arm flashed out and he yelled.
I threw myself backwards as the card nicked my shoulder and and stuck to the wall behind me. Joker was printed in bright red letters, followed by his portrait. Suddenly, a sharp pain hit my other shoulder. I looked over to see where a rusted pipe had made a deep gash. I screamed my head off and fell to my knees, holding my shoulder.
"Hmmm..." the Joker chuckled contently, cocking his head and flashing his teeth at me. "Seems like you've defeated yourself, wouldn't you say so too? Pretty little doll? I hear tetanus is unpleasant." He walked towards me and pulled out a knife. His voice went from joking to menacing.
"Let's just finish this, shall we?" Joker rose the knife, but before he could stab me a dark shadow flew over his head. A dark figure with a cape and a spiked mask landed behind him, holding a bat-shaped blade to his neck. The Joker dropped the knife and put his hands up.
"Ah! Batman! Glad to see you here. As you can see, I was just Jokering and- what's dat?!" The Joker pointed and me and Batman both faced in that direction, only to find ourselves to nothing. By the time we looked back, The Joker was gone.
"Are you ok?" Asked Batman. I shook my head and fell back against the wall. Batman eyed the rusted pipe and my gushing shoulder. He rushed to pick me up, and I layed my head against his armored chest. I couldn't move at all.
"It will all be ok. Stay with me ma'am. Ma'am?"
We were zipping on the roofs as he took me who knows where. My eyes drooped and I felt tired. I had no idea why I said what I said.
"You're... So... Hot..."
I fainted from bloodloss right then, but not before seeing his startled, caring face.

Dark Love- A Batman Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now