Chapter 37

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Stiles's neck snapped back as he rushed toward the hospital bed, "what Lydia?? Did you say something??!!" He exclaimed rushing around her bed. "Yes..." she started to smile, "I'm awake!" She burst out laughing. "I really am awake," she said looking around the room. Stiles let out a relieved sigh as he grabbed her hand when suddenly Lydia pulled away. "What?" Stiles asked confused. "What happened?" Lydia asked, already knowing the answer. Everything started coming back to Lydia from that night, Stiles cheating on her, their fight, the car accident. Stiles could see her expression changing as he realized what was happening.

"Lydia...." he started. "Don't." She cut him off. "Get out..." Lydia said coldly. "Please let me explain," he begged. Lydia's eye's became glassy with tears, "If you ever truly loved me..." her voice cracked, "then you'll leave," she said gaining composure. Stiles got up slowly and as he walked out the door he looked back at Lydia who had tears streaming down her face wildly.
He walked into the waiting room in what felt like slow motion. He spotted Scott and Allison in the corner and sat down next to them. "What's wrong?" Allison asked concerned. "She's awake..." Stiles mumbled. "What?!" Allison exclaimed jumping out of her seat. She started sprinting down the hall, but Scott hung back.

"What happened?" Scott asked sympathetically. "At first she was really happy, and then she remembered what I did..." Stiles said rubbing his eyes. "Did you tell her you were drugged?" Scott asked. Stiles ran his hand through his hair, "I tried, but it wouldn't have matter any way. I knew once she woke up that she'd hate me, what I did was so wrong and stupid and it doesn't matter that I was drugged. I'm so in love with her it hurts me, I just..." his voice cracked, " I just wish that I could change what happened. I should've been the one is the car accident not her, it should've been me. God, I'm so stupid" he cried as tears streamed down his face.

"I know it sucks now man, but fight for her. Tell her you're sorry however many times it takes. Send her dozens of roses, just make her feel happy, like she can trust you again" Scott explained. Stiles looked up at him, "I'll do whatever it takes, I just love her so much and need her to be okay" Stiles sighed. Allison walked back into the room, "Stiles, she's ready to talk to you" she said sitting back down next to Scott. Stiles stood up slowly and started walking down the hall, he looked back at Scott who gave him an encouraging smile.

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