Chapter 3

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Lydia met up with Allison in front of the lunch room doors. "Hey" Allison smiled as she walked up to her. "Hi" Lydia replied. They walked through the doors and got in line for food.

"I got Mr. Saria for math, he's so hard already, and it's the first day!" Allison said annoyed. "Don't worry I had him last year, he will lighten up as the year goes on. Anyways so I talked to my mom and even though it's a school night she agreed to let you stay over!" Lydia smiled. "Hmm, I don't know" Allison replied biting her lip. "Oh C'mom! You were gone all Sumer and we need to catch up, I missed you!" Lydia pleaded. "Fine, but only because I missed my best friend." Allison agreed.

They made there way to their usual table where Scott was already there waiting for them. Allison sat down next to him and Scott kissed her cheek. Lydia made a disgusted face. Allison looked at her and grinned. "So, where's Stiles?" Allison asked. Scott nodded to his right. Stiles was leaning against a pole full on making out with some random girl. "Why am I not surprised" Lydia joked. Stiles whispered something in her ear she laughed then walked away.

Stiles started walking towards are table with a smirk on his face. "What are you all looking at" he grinned. Lydia rolled her eyes. "Nothing, this is just the usual life of Stiles Stilinski, right?" Lydia asked. "What other way is there?" Stiles teased. Then he went off about how he already had an English test tomorrow

"Hey Lydia, look who it is" Allison nodded the other way. She turned around to see. "Jason Smith, the one guy I have had a crush on since like 5th grade. He had dirty blonde hair, dreamy eyes and everything about him seemed to be just perfect. Too bad the longest conversation I've had with him was about 5 words cause I get to nervous around him." Lydia thought to herself. With her hand in her palm looking at him dreamily Lydia sighed. Jason caught her eye and waved, she smiled in return. Lydia turned back around and blushed crazily and giggled like she was a little girl. They all laughed at her and she laughed with them.

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