Chapter 12

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Lydia hopped out of Stiles's jeep, smiled and waved goodbye. She walked up her front steps and unlocked the door. She set the keys down on the table. "Mom?" She shouted. No reply. "She must still be at work" she thought to her self. She sighed and dragged her self upstairs to her room.

Lydia touched up her makeup and got into some clothes that were more comfortable. She sat down at her desk and took out math notes and started to write down what just seemed like a bunch of numbers but really was like some extraordinary math problem. She checked her phone for the time, 4:37, and got back to work. The doorbell rang a little after that.

Lydia rubbed her eyes then stood up. "Mom isn't supposed to be home until 8:00" she thought while biting her tung. Though, she still walked down the stairs and tip toed over to the peep hole. She squinted, "OMG.... no way.... no fricken' way" she whispered with a huge grin. She looked down at her outfit with a mortified face. She turned to the mirror, took her hair down and poofed it a bit, tucked in the front of her t-shirt and dabbed at her lip gloss. Finally she took a deep breath and opened the door.

There he was, standing there, all dreamy like, holding a poster. Lydia read the poster word by word savoring every last bit of it. "Lydia, I know we're just science lab partners, but I think we have really great chemistry so will you go to homecoming with me?" He looked really nervous but was wearing the cutest nervous smile as if she would ever say no.

Lydia couldn't keep her small smile anymore, her mouth widened showing all her teeth. "Of course!" She squealed happily. He handed her a red rose then hugged her. This caught Lydia by surprise at first but then she immediately hugged him back. Her head was spinning with excitement.

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