Chapter 36

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~ 1 week later~

Stiles had pulled up a chair next to the hospital bed and been holding Lydia's hand for what seemed to be days. He could see the doctors through the window whispering and occasionally making quick glances towards Lydia. He knew what they were talking about, he could see it In their eyes. It had been a week sense the accident and Lydia still hadn't shown any signs of movement. Whenever the doctors came in they would always give Stiles a rub on the pack which he knew was out of sympathy.

He could tell all the doctors had given up any hope of her still waking up and being okay again. He just sighed and looked back at Lydia. Her beautiful strawberry blonde curls so shiny and her fair skin glowing in the life." How is it possible that she looks so alive and so..... beautiful, yet she wasn't? She was hooked up to a bunch of machines barely breathing on her own" Stiles thought to himself. He closed his eyes, "I've watched every episode of Greys Anatomy, and yet I never, not In a million years thought that anything like what they deal with would happen to me or someone I love?"

~12 weeks earlier~
It was winter break and Stiles and Lydia were lying on the couch eating junk food. They had just finished an episode of Friends. "What do you want to watch now, babe?" Stiles asked. Lydia scrolled up and down Netflix, "hmmmm," she blushed. "We should start Greys Anatomy! Allison loves it and I hear so much about it on social media!" She squealed excitingly. "No way! That's a total chick show" Stiles exclaimed. "Trust me, you'll love it. I won't tell anyone you watched it wth me, I promise. Just the first episode?" Lydia pleaded. "Only for you" Stiles replied mockingly. Lydia pressed play and from that day forward, they had become totally hooked. They binge watched the show for a moth and finally caught up.

~present time~
It was pitch black out so Stiles checked his phone "11:48pm". He rolled his eyes as he stood up. The hospital was so quiet at this time of night. He pulled the right rail of Lydia's bed down and moved her slightly so he could fit. He hadn't done this before but he wanted to bad to just lie next to her. He wrapped his arms around her as tears silently streamed down his cheeks. Her hair still smelled of the Apple shampoo she uses. He just sat their holding her in his arms until he drifted to sleep.

Stiles woke up in the exact same position he had fallen asleep. He climbed out of the bed and put the railing back up while kissing her fore head. He heard his stomach grumble so he started to let go of Lydia's hand to go to the cafeteria. Just as he was at the door he heard the slightest raspy voice, "don't go".

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