Chapter 59

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Regionals & Finson's Wedding | Madison's POV

Today is regionals day and after that Finn and I will held the wedding in choir room. I already prepare my wedding dress and the simple dinner also the decorations for the choir room.

"Over there, Kurt." I said to Kurt as he place the standing vase of flowers. "And perfect. At least we got the sense of wedding in this choir room." I giggle.

"So someone will be my step-sister-in law in about five hours from now." Kurt chuckles at me.

"I cant wait to be Mrs. Hudson." I giggle and walk to get out from the choir room and see the girls.

"Madison, watch out!" Kurt yells at me.

But it's too late because I hit Sam and Joe who brings a big table and that feet of the table hit my head and it was really hurt.

"You okay? We are so sorry." Joe says to me.

"It's okay. I'm still alive." I grin at them.

Actually my head is start spinning around. I hold my head and went out from the choir room to the office and drink my painkillers.

I'm really excited with this. Besides that I'm gonna married with Finn and then we will win the regionals.

But there is something that make me little sad. I dont know why I feel like I'm gonna miss this place so bad and those people and everything.

Suddenly tears slowly fall down to my face. I dont know what happen with me right now. I feel like I will lose everything now.

"Babe, the flowers already....hey why are you crying?" Finn frowns at me.

I wipe my tears and smile at him. "Crying because of happy. Because in less than five hours we will getting married." I giggle.

"I'm happy too." Finn smiles at me and hugs me really right.

I hug him back. His hug always be the warmest hug and the most comfortable hug in this earth. Finn's hug is like a big bear hug.

We are still hugging each other and no one of us want to let go each other. I close my eyes and feel his hug like this is my last hug with him.

"I dont know why but I dont want to let your body go and stil hugging you like this." Finn says as he is still hugging me.

"Me too. It's really comfortable." I said. "But we have show circle after this."

"Screw that show circle. Those alumni can handle that. I just want to stay like this until the rest of my life." Finn says.

I'm just smiling and stil hugging him and he hugging me back. Seriously, I never feel like this before and this is really comfort me.

"Guys, can we start show circle because the others are ready to perform." Kurt interupts us.

"Give us another five minutes." Finn says.

"Oh come on, tonight you both can do that thing again or even hotter than that." Kurt protest.

I pull Finn's body away slowly and turn my face at him. He just sighs then give me a quick kiss on my lips then we walk to the choir room as he put his hand around my shoulder.

"Well, show circle guys." Finn says to them. "Today is our one step to nationals but before we start our pray together I wanna say something to you guys." Finn says. "After regionals, Madison and I will get married and we will move to New York in couple days so Mr. Schue will take control of this choir room back. I just want to say a big a lot of thanks because of your appreciate you gave me. All the loves and happiness." Finn smiles at them.

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