Chapter 40

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This week is valentines week. And this weekend we will have regionals. Dad was wrong to choose the theme for regionals. I guess he should choose love song but he said that ballad already as the theme for sectionals.

And like any other valentine. This valentine year I dont have any valentines. But soon I'll have. I guess I need to find a distraction to avoid Finn and Puck.

"Hey, Madison." Taylor walk pass me and smile at me.

I smile back at him then shut my locker. Yes he is my distraction. He is not bad at all and I guess I need to stop to call him jerk and I did that. We are getting closer now but no we are not dating.

I walk in the hallways and turn my way to the choir room to have glee club with the others. I enter the choir room and everyone is busy with their couples. Oh damn.

Santana cant stop flirting with Brittany. Quinn and Rachel are dancing together. Tina and Mike are still holding hands each other. Mercedes and Sam are eating chocolate together and feed each other. Blaine and Kurt is lean each other until I see Rory is trying to get Sugar's attention.

I guess it's only me who is the glee club girls that single and alone and sad. But I dont mean with that because this is for the best.

Suddenly Puck standing in front of me and give me a bar of chocolate. I turn my face at him and raise my eyebrows at him.

"Not really expensive one but I hope you like it." Puck says to me.

"Thank you." I half-smile at him.

He didnt say anything and walk to back row and sit down there. I turn my face at Finn who is sitting down in front of the drummer and look at me with a half-smile.

"Guys, bad news. We need money for hairspray and any other stuff for regionals so we will held a tribute class." Mr. Schue says to us.

"Oh no!" Kurt groans and protest.

"How much we need?" Sugar asks.

"One person need to raise about twenty dollars." Mr. Schue says to us.

"This is not a big problem when you have a lot of small change. And this is 600 dollars for everything because this is a small change for me especially when you are rich." Sugar says and give money to Mr. Schue.

"Sugar, you need to. We can raise money together." Mr. Schue shake his head.

"Take it!" Kurt glares at Mr. Schue.

Mr. Schue takes the money from Sugar. "Wow thank you so much. Guys, give applause to Sugar." Mr. Schue says to us.

We then give applause to Sugar. No one of us want to do the tribute. "I love the sound of applause even I have to buy it." Sugar says.

"Alright you can back to your seat and we will start our glee club this week." Mr. Schue says to Sugar.

"But before that I want to all of you check under your seat. And for Artie, I place it on that basket over there." Sugar says to us.

I turn my face to undery seat until I see a box with love shape and chocolate inside. Wow this is cool.

"Wohoo chocolate." Mercedes says happily.

"And one more thing." Sugar grins at us. "Thanks to my dad that I can do anything I want include this one. So I already booked Breadstix for the valentines eve. And.... the drum, Finn." Sugar turn her face at Finn.

Finn start making the drum rolls and I'm kinda bit curious with what this little richie going to say.

"You are invited! All of you! All the whole school!" Sugar says happily. The others suddenly cheering happily. "But you have to bring a date, no single allowed. Because they're boring and sad." Sugar says.

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