Chapter 47

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"If you love two someone at the same time who will you choose and why?" I ask Rory while laying on his bed.

"Ask Sugar. She ever in love with Artie and with me." Rory answer while playing with Creamy.

"I got no answer, Rory." I sigh.

"Madison, shouldnt you be prepare for graduation tomorrow?" Rory asks me.

"I already prepared everything. One thing that I havent prepare is my heart. Tomorrow is graduate and I cant choose which one that I love the most." I said to Rory.

"Why tomorrow? You cant choose that later." Rory frowns at me.

"At least before graduate I have to make a decision, Rory. Or maybe I have to follow you to Ireland and forget everything here." I sigh.

"Choose the one who always be there for you and never want to lose you. Because that person will definitely love you more than anybody else did." Rory says to me.

"If I were you, I would choose the one who will do anything in order to make you happy." Mom suddenly interupts us.

"Mom..." I roll my eyes.

"Haha come on, kids. Dinner is ready and you need to stop thinking about that for a while and fill your stomach with food because it will helps you to think better after that." Mom grins at us.

"What that theory came from." I roll my eyes and stand up from Rory's bed then walk downstairs.

I enter the dining room and sit down on my seat then turn my face at my dad. "Dad, if you love two persons at the same time, which one who will you choose?" I ask dad.

"Madison, eat your dinner first." Mom rolls her eyes.

"I watched your Friends dvd collection last night and there was a scene when Ross choose Rachel rather than his new girlfriend. So I think that you should choose the first one because maybe that the second one only your bestfriend but you were wrong to mean it because you dont have any boy bestfriend besides Rory." Dad says to me.

"That's it?" I raise my eyebrows.

"It's up to you. You want to trust me or not. That's your choice, honey." Dad says.

"Stop talking about this for a while." Mom rolls her eyes and put some food on my plate.

"Rory, I was about to buy you a flight tickets but your parents already send that from Ireland. When you will back by the way?" Dad asks Rory.

"Maybe in the next one week, Mr. Collins." Rory answer.

"You can stay here longer or at least until you graduate so my parents will feel that they have a child when I have to go to New York." I said to Rory.

"I cant, Madison. My study exchange program end up when you graduate and after that I have to back to Ireland." Rory says.

"I dont have any experience to have school in British country where no one will laugh at me when I enter my first week not like here." I sigh.

"But you will graduate tomorrow." Dad says to me.

"Yes and by the way dad, this christmas we will visit grandpa in Glasgow right? Because Rory and I have a plan want to spend the christmas in Glasgow." I said to dad.

"One of my aunt lived in Glasgow." Rory said.

"Sure. Why not." Dad says to us.

I just half-smiled and go back eating my dinner. Tomorrow is graduation day and I dont know I should choose Puck or Finn and actually I dont have to give the answer tomorrow but at least before we live in the different place, I have to make a decision first.

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