Chapter 22

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This week is valentine and everyone seems busy with kind of pink, love, chocolate. Actually the valentines itself will be held in two days to go but I dont really care with that since I'm single and I'm happy.

By the way how can people have two valentine dates at the same time? It's impossible thing to do actually. But I'm fine. I'm totally fine.

I'm opening my locker but suddenly love paper full with pink and sparkling fall down from above. I look around to find who did this until I see Puck is standing about three meters from me and smirks at me.

I just can give him a smile. This is cute. How can him be sweet like that? I shake my head and turn my face to my locker and put my book inside until someone touch my sleeve. I turn my face but no one is around until I turn my face to my left side.

Finn cover his face with a chocolate box with love shapes. Then he show me his face and smiling at me. "Happy valentine day." He give me the chocolate box.

"Aww this is sweet. Thank you, Finn." I smile back at him.

Finn just smile at me and walk off. Damn! God, why you gave me two sweet guys into my life at the same time? And now I cant choose one of them.

I place the chocolate inside my locker and I'll bring it home later. Now lets go to the choir room and having glee club.

I enter the choir room and this room is full with love shape and pink and roses and many things. I love valentine day but I just cant deal for being in love with two person at the same time.

I sit down in the front seat next to Brittany and Artie who cant stop smirks at each other until Mr. Schue walks in.

"Valentine. Mostly identified with love song so our glee club theme this week is Love Song!" Mr. Schue walks in as he write down on the white board.

"That's silly." I mumble.

"It's not silly at all." Artie shake his head.

"And because we lost some budgets for regionals we have to do fund raising." Mr. Schue says.

"Again?" I frowned.

"Because your cheerios stole all the budget." Kurt says to me.

"Excuse me, we are national champs and we got many sponsor for our budgets and our facilities." Santana glared at Kurt.

"Okay stop it. We will sell chocolate valentine for fund raising." Mr. Schue says.

"Mr. Schue what about kissing booth? Chocolate valentine is not really happening nowadays." Finn says.

"Wanky. Chocolate valentine is not really happening nowadays but you gave Madison a box of chocolates." Santana rolls her eyes. "Oh dont ask me how could I know that, I have many eyes on people."

"I'll make my own kissing booth and dont worry I will give the money I get for glee club." Finn says to us.

"Actually your idea sounds cool." Sam says to us.

"How much money we need for regionals?" I ask Mr. Schue.

"We lost budgets for hairspray and costume actually." Mr. Schue says to me.

"Be right back." I said to them and walk out from choir room.

I walk faster to my locker and take my wallet from my pocket and take all the money inside there then walk back to the choir room.

"1200 bucks for regionals. I guess quiet enough for hairspray and costume." I give the money to Mr. Schue.

"But Madison, you dont have to do this." Mr. Schue shrugs.

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