Chapter 22

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Soon, Glee had started filming again. Darren and Chris transitioned smoothly back into the daily routine of waking up, going to work, filming long days, going on dates by themselves or with friends, or just staying home and watching movies before falling asleep. And sometimes sex.

Basically, the two were in one endless, happy, romantic haze, and neither would have asked for any different.

One Friday during filming, Chris had an idea. Before the end of the day, he was seriously considering the scheme, and when Ryan Murphy made an announcement after work, it had grown into a decision.

"Really great work, guys!" Ryan had said to the entire cast after a particularly rigorous day, "Make sure to pick up your scripts for what we're doing on Monday! I think you'll enjoy it!"

"What is it?" Chord had asked with his eyebrows raised.

It seemed like Ryan couldn't hold it in any longer. "Okay, spoiler alert. We're filming the Klaine wedding!"

The cast and crew erupted into an excited chatter. Darren had turned to Chris and kissed him on the cheek.

Once everyone had dispersed, Chris told Darren, "Hey, can I meet you by the car? There's something I need to do."

Darren agreed, saying, "Yeah, sure! See you in a few."

Chris was now approaching Ryan. He was a little nervous, but he pushed it aside as Ryan looked up at him expectantly.

"Hi," Chris said, "I have to ask you something."

"Shoot," Ryan replied, glancing back at the papers in his hand.

Chris took a deep breath.

"I'm going to ask Darren to marry me. And I'd like to do it when we film the wedding."

Ryan gasped, turning his attention entirely to the man in front of him. Then, he laughed giddily. "Yes! Yes! Congratulations, man. I'm really happy for you. Do you need any help?"

Chris described the plan that he had been formulating in his mind all day. His director listened carefully, nodding his head.

"Fantastic," Ryan agreed once Chris was done, "Really fantastic. It's romantic and absolutely adorable. I'm sure he'll say yes."

"I hope he will," Chris replied, smiling at Ryan, "Thanks."

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