Chapter 15

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"Because your kiss, your kiss, is on my list," Darren sang at the top of his lungs.

"Because your kiss, your kiss, I can't resist," Chris sang back.

"Because your kiss is on my list," Darren crooned, "Of the best things in liiiiiiiife!"

They were driving down the highway, speeding north with the summer wind whistling in their hair. Chris' mini book tour had started, and luckily Chris' manager and publicist had let he and Darren drive together to their next location. Chris had signed books in many northern California towns and were now headed up to Eugene, Oregon before going to Portland.

Darren smiled at Chris. They had the windows rolled down and the radio playing, and the two had sang the words to every song. Chris had his hands draped lazily across the wheel.

Darren sat in the passenger's seat. The next song began on the radio.

Made a wrong turn, once or twice. Dug my way out, blood and fire. Bad decisions, that's alright.

"Welcome to my silly life," Chris joined in.

"Mistreated, misplaced, misunderstood, Miss 'No way, it's all good,' it didn't slow me down. Mistaken, always second-guessing, underestimated, look, I'm still around," both voices sang in unison.

"Pretty, pretty please, don't you ever, ever feel, like you're less than, less than perfect, pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel, like you're nothing, you are perfect to me!"

As the song broke into an instrumental, Darren said, "Remember when we sang this on Glee?"

"How could I forget? I had to wear that ridiculous half-sweater, and-" Chris looked directly at Darren, "I remember all our


They grinned moon-eyed at eachother for a moment, but soon enough, Darren broke into song again.

"You're so mean, when you talk, about yourself. You were wrong," he belted out.

"Change the voices, inside your head. And make them like you instead," Chris sang, leaning across the seats to bump Darren's shoulder lovingly.

"So complicated, look how we all make it, filled with so much hatred, such a tired game," Darren sang.

"It's enough, I've done all I can think of, chased down all my demons, I've seen you do the same," Chris sang with gusto.

"Pretty, pretty please," they crooned together. Darren listened to Chris' smooth, beautiful voice, and even when they were belting out the lyrics at the top of their lungs, his singing still sounded pretty.

They finished the song, relishing the memories of singing it on Glee. It had been one of their best duets, in Darren's opinion. But somehow, he liked their highway singalong version better. Sure, they were roaring to the car radio and half their sound was flying out the open windows, but it made him fill up with so much joy that he didn't care that he sounded like a dying cat. And besides, this wasn't Kurt and Blaine. This was Darren and Chris.

A/N: The songs used in this chapter are Kiss On My List by Hall & Oates, and Perfect by P!nk. Sadly, I do not own these songs or people any more than I own Darren Criss, Chris Colfer, or Glee.

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