Chapter 2

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The next morning, Chris and Darren rode to work together, stealing glances and covert smiles the entire ride. They had come to an unspoken agreement, that they wouldn't clue anyone in on their night together just yet. Besides the fact that the cast, the directors, and most of all the fans would go absolutely insane if they found out, neither of them had really figured out what last night was yet.

As they got out of the car and headed for the studio, the two made eye contact. Finally, Chris felt comfortable with showing that moon-eyed stare he had been trying to hide for 3 years. To his delight, Darren was smiling the little head-over-heels puppy dog smile right back at him.

Chris let out a small giggle. Darren giggled too. By the time the pair had gotten to the doors to the set, they were down right laughing, and when they arrived next to their co-workers and friends, they were clutching their sides and gasping for breath.

"Okay, what on Earth is so funny?" Jenna, who played Tina on Glee, asked.

"I don't even know!" Darren gasped in between flurries of laughter. The rest of the cast just shook their heads and smiled.

"Okay, can I get the New Directions over to the choir room?" Ryan Murphy, their director and writer commanded. The actors obliged, and the others took a seat with their script. Chris watched as Darren sashayed over to the soundstage. He was dancing while he walked, the little goofball.

As instructions were given and cameras began rolling, Chris tried to pay attention to his script and his next scene, but he found that his eyes drifted up to where Darren was sitting. He stared at him more than usual today. Chris just couldn't get over how cute he looked when he was Blaine, especially in those skin-tight pants... Oh God.

As he told himself for the thousandth time that he was supposed to be reading through the script and turned the pages, a few words jumped out at him. There was going to be a scene with just Kurt and Blaine, ending with a kiss. Chris' heart leaped. He would get to kiss Darren!

No, he told himself, it wouldn't be Darren, it would be Blaine.

Kurt would get to kiss Blaine.

But why couldn't he think that it would be him kissing Darren? Now that they had kissed as themselves, it wouldn't be too self-indulgent to be excited about the prospect of kissing him again, would it?

It's better to think of it as just another Klaine kiss, Chris thought. That would keep things as simple as possible.

"Okay, can I have Kurt and Blaine in the science classroom, please?" Ryan called. Darren joined Chris and they walked together to the next soundstage over.

"So Kurt has just surprised Blaine at McKinley, and they're together in person for the first time in a month. Got it?"

The two actors nodded, and the scene started.

"I can't believe you're here! I missed you so much," Darren, or Blaine, said.

"I missed you more," Chris as Kurt said teasingly.

"No, I missed you more!" Darren replied.


hey laughed, then Darren as Blaine said seriously, "I'm due to get my NYADA letter any day now. I can't imagine not getting in, but--"

Chris cut him off. "You WILL get in. You're incredible. And even if you don't, you're still moving to New York. Look at me. I didn't get in to NYADA the first time around, but I moved in with Rachel and everything fell into place. Even if it wasn't immediate."

"I love you," Darren said with a smug little Blaine smile on his face.

Next came the kiss. Chris resisted lunging in and taking Darren's face in his hands, because Kurt didn't kiss like that. Instead, he leaned in, and carefully turning his head, brushed his lips against Darren's. Darren kissed back, and the sparks flew. Darren sat down on a black science table and Chris held him as they continued kissing.

Their lips broke contact, but they still pressed their noses together, breathing hard. Then they went back in, passionately making out to a song only they could hear.

It felt like that one scene from Glee, at the New Directions' first Nationals. When Finn and Rachel kissed, the camera zoomed around them, and everyone else in the room disappeared. Now it was only Chris and Darren, the only two people in the world. Until...

"Wanky!" Naya called from across the studio, using her character Santana's catchphrase. Suddenly, the two men sprang apart, realizing just how long they had been making out.

"Naya!" Darren gasped in annoyance. The entire crew laughed and applauded.

"I think we have more than enough footage for this scene,"  Ryan said, failing to hold back giggles, "Let's move on."

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