Chapter 34

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Just so y'all know, this is unedited. I'm kind of in a rush so I'll go back later and fix it up.


“I’ll see you in a little bit babe.” I said to Zayn as I exited the elevator. I was going to visit Valentina like I had done every day since she was born. Zayn had been in America doing his band stuff, and I was left alone. He had just landed though and was coming straight to the hospital. I could tell he was anxious to see Valentina. Every time I would send him a new picture of her I’d get a call from him saying how much he missed us.


Zayn sighed. “I know. I can’t wait to see my girls.” A smile spread across my face. “Tell Valentina I love her, and that I’ll see her soon.”


“I will. I love you.” I turned the corner to walk to the NICU.


“I love you too.” Zayn hung up the phone because he was just about to get on the airplane.


In silence, I walked down the hallway. When I got to the door, I opened it, and quickly went inside the NICU. I washed my hands at the sink before I went it. That was when I noticed that there were two people sitting next to Valentina’s bed. One of them, or both of them were going to have to leave. Only two people could be with Valentina at a time, and I was going to be a selfish mother and take one of their places.


I walked into the room, and instantly noticed that one of Valentina’s guests was Sabrina. She looked up and saw me standing there. It looked like she wanted to say something, but she remained silent. The other person turned around to see why Sabrina was staring behind them. It was then that I saw Bryden. He gave me a warm smile before getting up and coming over to me.


Bryden’s arms instantly engulfed me into a strong hug. This was the first time I’d seen him since Valentina was born. It was really the first time I’ve seen him since we decided to be friends. I think there was still an awkward energy around us that would always be present. I was happy to see him though.


He pulled away from me, and looked over his shoulder to Sabrina. She was picking up her belongings.


“I’m just going to wait in the lobby. You spend all the time you want with her.” She said quietly as she walked by us.


I watched her as she left the NICU. When I couldn’t see her anymore I went over to Valentina’s side. Bryden hadn’t said a word to me. He just followed me and sat back down in his seat.


I felt him watching me as I removed my coat, and as I rolled up the sleeves to my sweat shirt. I knew he was probably admiring me as I stuck my hand into the incubator to let Valentina know I was here. I didn’t care though. Right now I was here to be with Valentina.


Bryden let me do my own thing for a couple of minutes. I felt kind of bad for him as he witnessed me showing affection to my daughter. There was a part of me that believed that Bryden hadn’t gotten over me. I knew what I meant to him while we were together. He was always persistent in telling me everything he liked about me. I was sure it was crushing him having to see me with someone else’s child.

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