Chapter 4

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"Are you sure you can't stay any longer?" Aleeah asked me as my best friends and I were heading for the door.

"You know I want to, but I have to work tomorrow. You and Katlyn could always come down to London tonight and come to Funky Buddha with us. It'll be fun." I tried to get her and Katlyn to go to London with me for the hundredth time this morning. I had spent the night with my family, and now I was ditching them to go to my birthday party with all my London friends.

"Clubs aren't my scene, and if Mom and Dad knew where you were going tonight they would kill you. Don't let them find out." Aleeah warned. My parents would not approve of me going out and drinking, but they didn't control me anymore.

"Well, if you don't keep your mouth shut, then we won't have to worry about that." I said under my breath as my parents and Katlyn walked into the room. Ray was with them as well.

Mom came over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you." She said. My mother was always so dramatic whenever I left. I know she hated that I didn't live at home anymore, but I was only an hour and a half away.

"I'll miss you too, Mom. I promise I'll come back soon. I won't wait as long as I did." I tell her, and I mean it. My family is too important to not come visit.

"Okay sweetie. Dad and I will try to come down more often also." She states as my father brings me into a hug.

I said my final goodbyes with them and my sisters before heading out to the car. Sabrina was in the driver's seat listening to music loudly. There were neighbors staring at her, but she didn't care.

I climbed into the passenger seat, and before we could back out of the driveway, Ray came running over to me. I rolled down the window so she could speak to me.

"Here." Ray whispered as she gave me a grocery bag with a box inside it.

I had a puzzled look on my face before looking inside at the contents.

"No, Ray. Take these." I tried to give her back the bag. "I don't want them."

Ray ran back towards the house with me still holding the bag in my hands. Sabrina quickly rolled the window up. I looked at her, and instantly knew that they had planned that.

"I hate you guys." I stated before placing the bag neatly in my purse. I had every intention of getting rid of it when I got back to the flat.


"Rosemary Collins. Hurry your ass up!" I could hear Alexis yell from the other side of the bedroom door.

"I'll be done in a minute." I call back to her.

We were getting ready to head to Funky Buddha. I was almost done getting ready, but I wasn't sure if the outfit I was wearing was suitable. My friends bought me the skin tight, low cut, short hot pink dress I was wearing for my birthday. They insisted that I wear it tonight.

I finished with curling my black hair, and applied some heavy makeup around my hazel eyes. I hated my friends at the moment because the dress made me look good. It made me look too good. Guys would be all over me at the club, tempting me with their sweet talk. I wasn't going to buy into it though. I have more will power than most of the drunk, blond bimbos that guys take home to sleep with.

I walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen where everyone was ready to leave. I looked down on the counter to see four shots lined up in a row. Clear liquid filled each of them.

"Okay guys. I'm ready to go. And just know that I hate all of you for making me wear this. You know that guys are going to be all over me." I complained. For whatever reason, I wasn't into getting all the attention.

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