Chapter 11

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On Sunday morning I woke up feeling nauseous. It was the same kind of sick feeling I had on Friday when I got to Manchester, and on Saturday afternoon while we were out seeing the city. I didn't know what was wrong with me, and I hoped that I would be back to normal soon. I wasn't worried or anything, but having the constant urge to throw up was not something I wanted to live with.

Bryden was next to me, with his arm laying gently across my stomach. His handsome face was buried in my neck, and his hot breath was tickling my skin. Him holding me tight against his body made me feel like I mattered to him. Wes was always about trying to get into my pants. Bryden on the other hand, didn't care about that. He wasn't forcing me into anything, and that is what I needed in my life. All I wanted was a normal relationship where I could be myself and not be judged for the things I do or say.

I shifted my body a little causing Bryden to tighten his grip on my body. I was going to be sick, for the fifth time this weekend, so I pried his arm off of me and headed for the bathroom.

When I was done, I walked back into the room with my hand over my stomach. Bryden was sitting on the edge of the bed, shirtless. My eyes involuntarily scanned his perfectly toned body. He motioned for me to come to him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked me as he pulled me onto his lap.

"Yeah. I don't feel sick all the time. It comes and goes." I told him. I curled into a ball in his arms.

"Are you going to be okay driving home? Maybe you should stay another day."

"I can't. I have to work. My damn boss fired two people, and they need me there. I'm working so much more now."

"Well maybe that's what is wrong with you. You're probably just stressed, and it is finally catching up to you." Bryden stood off the bed, with me in his arms, and set me down on the bed. He climbed over me and laid down.

I had never thought of that. I've heard of people being so stressed that they are sick. Bryden was probably right.

"I guess that's what could be it. I don't know of any other explanation." I turned my head to the side and looked at him. "I'm sorry I ruined this weekend."

Bryden's expression softened, and he pulled me close to his chest. "You didn't ruin the weekend." He said softly. "I got to spend time with you, and that is all I could have asked for."

I lifted myself off the bed slightly, and leaned in to kiss his cheek. "Thank you." I nuzzled against him again. "I can't wait till your home. Then we can have more time like this."

"I'll spend every night with you. You're a good cuddler."

I laughed at his statement. "And you are a good kisser, and you're body is hot. I want to wake up to your abs everyday." I joked.

I looked into his eyes that we intently staring back at me. He smiled at me and started to run his fingers through my hair. It was a soothing feeling that only made my heart flutter more than it should have.

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