Chapter 23

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I kept glaring at the clock, each passing minute getting closer and closer to the time of my doctor’s appointment. Zayn was already five minutes late picking me up. He said he would be here to go with me. Today we were going to do this together, and he was late. Again.

“Where do you want these clothes, Rose?” Bryden asked from my closet.

I got off the ground by my bookshelf where I had been placing my many books, bridal magazines, and sketch pads into their designated boxes. “Well, I can’t really fit into those shirts that well anymore, so just in a box. I won’t be able to wear them for a while so pack them in something.”

My big move to the new apartment was a week away, and Bryden offered to help me pack my things because I was pregnant and he didn’t want me to hurt the baby by putting too much strain on myself. He was also going to be helping me move into my apartment. I still had to ask Zayn if he would help me too. Hopefully, that would be a conversation we would have after the ultrasound.

Bryden got down on his knees and started to dig through the pile of shoes at the bottom of my closet. “And what about these?” He held up a pair of plain black heels. “You know, you wore these on our first date.”

“I don’t even remember what I was wearing. How do you remember the shoes?” I took the heels from him and threw them into the bottom of an empty box. There was no way I was wearing those for a while.

“Because you looked beautiful that night. I’ll never forget how gorgeous I thought you were when I picked you up.” I smiled at his comment, and felt thankful he was still taking out shoes from my closet so he couldn’t see the crimson color I turned.

I went back over to the bookshelf to finish putting the books in a box. Glancing at the clock again, I realized that Zayn was now ten minutes late. My appointment was in twenty five minutes, and I really needed to get going. Now.

My phone was sitting on my empty nightstand. There was no call or text from Zayn telling me he was running late. I decided to call him, and while I was standing there Bryden got back on his feet and turned around.

“Who are you calling?” He asked, setting a full box of clothes on the bed so he could tape it shut.

Zayn wasn’t answering, and the call eventually went to voicemail.

“Fuck.” I said under my breath, throwing my phone on the bed.

Bryden moved the box to the pile that was starting to build in my room. “What?”

“Oh, nothing. Just that fucking Zayn is fucking ten minutes late to bring me to my fucking appointment. He was supposed to fucking be here.” I laid down on my bed and began softly crying. “This was the one we were looking forward to.”

Bryden crawled on the bed next to me and pulled me close to his body. “I don’t really know what to say, so I’m just going to hug you.”

“Thanks.” I wiped the tears off my face. “I have to go. I’m going to be late.” I got off the bed, and found my tennis shoes. In a matter of seconds I was ready to go.

“I’ll be here.” Bryden said, picking up another box. “I’m just going to finish up with these books, and then I’ll be done. Maybe we can get something to eat when you get back?”

I smiled at his offer. “I’d like that.” I looked at the clock and realized I was really going to be late. “Shit. I have to go. Bye.”

My feet carried me down the hall and to the front door. When I was out of my apartment, I realized that I hadn’t been to an appointment by myself. Stopping in the middle of the hallway, I thought about what was going to happen. What if the doctor said something was wrong? That was always my biggest concern, and every time I had Zayn there to comfort me. Not now though. He had completely abandon me, and I was going to be doing this on my own. Maybe.

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