Chapter 1

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“Wake up! Wake up!” I could feel my body bouncing around as my three very loud roommates jumped up and down on my bed.

I immediately flipped over and put my pillow over my head.

“Rose!” One of them exclaimed. I’m not sure who it was. They were all being rambunctious. “Get up. We made you breakfast.”


“I don’t want to eat. I need sleep.” I groaned. One of my roommates forcefully pulled the pillow away from my head.


I was looking into a pair of crystal blue eyes. “Come on. Let’s go.” Sabrina, my closest friend, whispered in my face.


“Fine.” I reluctantly got out of bed. My other two roommates, Alexis and Cecilia, came by my sides.


“Happy birthday bestie.” Cecilia wrapped her arms around me, and Alexis and Sabrina followed her actions.


“Okay. Okay! Stop. I can’t breathe.” I pushed them away from my body.


“Well good morning to you too Sleeping Beauty.” Alexis said with a grin on her face.


“Hey.” Cecilia playfully punched Alexis’ arm. “It is her birthday. Be nice to her.”


I couldn’t help but smile at my two goofy friends in front of me. Living with three other girls was hard, but in the end it was worth it. I got to spend all my free time with the people I liked the most.


“So Rose,” Sabrina sat down on my bed, “how late were you at work last night? You look like a zombie.”


“Thanks, and until like one in the morning. I don’t know my stupid manager made me stay that late. It isn’t like there was anything that needed to be done at one in the morning.” I complained. My manager at the bridal boutique I work at has always had something against me. She always gave me the worst shifts, and gave me the most work. I hated that job, but it paid the bills, and would soon be helping me pay for college.


“At least you have today off. We get to party our asses off!” Sabrina raised her eyebrows at me.


Alexis decided to rain on Sabrina’s parade. “That’s tomorrow night. Today is her birthday party with her family. We aren’t mentioning going out tomorrow though. I don’t want your mom and dad hating me. They are so nice already.”

I laughed at my friend standing in front of me. “They won’t care. I’m nineteen.”


“Twenty.” Cecilia corrected.

“I’m twenty. They don’t control my life, and besides, I haven’t lived with them in two years. They don’t know all the stuff we’ve done.” I smiled remembering all of the good times I’ve had with my three best friends over the last two years. We’ve had some pretty great experiences together.

Beautiful Mistakes {Zayn M.}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя