Chapter 2

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Two hours later my three best friends and I were pulling into my parents driveway. There were cars all over the street indicating that all of the guests have arrived. We were late because Cecilia couldn't decide on an outfit. The four of us hurried out of the car and to the front door.

I burst through the door to see my half of my family stop their conversations and avert their attention to me. Smiles slowly grew on all of their faces. My mother quickly shuffled through the crowd of people to me. She embraced me in the biggest hug, and in that moment I was so happy to be home. I only lived an hour and a half away, but I didn't make enough time to come and visit my family. I liked my new independence, but there was something about being in the house I grew up in that made me feel more like the person I am. Being in London has changed me. 

"Happy Birthday Rosemary." Mom gave me a kiss on the cheek. Her little sister was standing right behind her, and I went into freak out mode. My aunt was one of my favorite people in the world. She didn't act like she was an aunt to me, probably because she is only three years older than me. My grandparents were only going to have my mom, but twenty two years after she was born they got a surprise. My aunt Rayleen. We all call her Ray though.

My dad came over to me before I got to my aunt. "Happy Birthday! It's so good to see you home finally." 

I tightly wrapped my arms around his torso, and didn't want to let go. My father was one of the nicest people in the world. He was so proud of the daughter I've become over the last two years, and he was constantly telling me that. I would really hate to do anything to not think that about me. 

"It's good to be home too, Dad." I smiled up at him as he let go of me to go greet my friends who were still standing awkwardly in the entryway. Now it was time to see my aunt.

She walked over to me, and flashed me a huge smile. "Hey Rose. Happy Birthday. How have you been? How's London? What about your job? Are you excited for school?"

"Ray, slow down. It's good to see you too." I joked. I was planning on having a proper conversation, but I really wanted to see my sisters. They were the real reason why I came home today. 

"Mom," I called across the room, "Where are Katlyn and Aleeah?" I walked over to where she and my dad were standing.

"They're in the backyard talking to some people." My mom had a weird smile on her face like she was hiding something. 

I turned on my heels, and made my way down the long hallway that led to the back of the house. Old family photos covered the walls, and it made me miss home. 

As I neared the back door, I noticed an abundance of dark hair sitting on the patio. My sisters were sitting next to each other, laughing and being themselves. 

I opened the door, and my sisters looked over to see who came out. 

"Rose!" Aleeah exclaimed. She came running over with Katlyn hot on her heels. They both attacked me with a group hug. I closed my eyes tightly as we all squeezed each other. 

When we broke our sister moment, I realized who my sisters were talking to.

"Zayn?" I said under my breath in shock. I couldn't believe the sight in front of me. The entire Malik family was sitting outside, here to celebrate my birthday with me.

Patricia stood up from her chair, and came over to me. The rest of her family followed her actions. After greeting Zayn's parents and three sisters, he came up to me. 

"Happy birthday Rose." He whispered in my ear as he gave me a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I quietly responded. 

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