Chapter 28

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I stormed up the stairs to the front door. Zayn and I were having yet another fight. Ever since McKenzie sent the message to me saying that all she wants to do is “make sure my life is a living hell”, we had been fighting.

It had been a week since that message was sent, and things took a turn and got worse. People were starting to come up with a lot more rumors. Like how I didn’t even want my daughter and that Zayn had to stop me from getting an abortion. They were saying that I was lying to Zayn about it being his, and that I was using him for his money. Someone even made up a rumor about how I tricked Zayn into having sex with me because I was “losing” my best friend, and I was so desperate to keep him in my life.

The more I heard those things, the more I thought Zayn was going to backlash at the haters. He was getting more attached to looking at what people were saying, which only made him get more defensive.

He wasn’t the same person this last week. I would try to comfort him because he was getting so angry, but it only led him to yell at me, telling me that everything wasn’t okay. I knew that what he was saying was true, but all of the added stress wasn’t something that I needed. Not when I was thirty weeks pregnant.

This time we were fighting about the fact that someone called me a whore to my face when we were purchasing a crib. When I’m out and someone says something to me I usually just brush it off. Zayn didn’t take it though. He started yelling at the girls who claimed to be his fans. His small outburst only made me yell at him, and before we both knew it we were calling each other names and saying things we didn’t mean. Just like every night for the last seven days.

As I unlocked the front door, Zayn was yelling at me from the car. “You aren’t going to help me with this god damn crib?”

I turned around and glared at him before slamming, and locking the door behind me. I let my purse drop to the floor, tears streaming down my face. This is how I was every day lately. Broken because of some stupid rumors, and the fact that my seemingly perfect relationship was starting to fall apart. Because the last three months had been so good, I was under the impression that that’s how the rest of the pregnancy was going to be. Zayn was there to hold me when I was tired, and to rub my back when it started hurting. The last couple of nights he didn’t even sleep in the same room as me. He said he couldn’t stand to be around my raging pregnancy hormones that much longer. That made me feel even worse, and planted the idea in my head that he was going to leave me for good. In the mornings though he’d reassure me about how everything has just gotten a lot more stressful for him. I tried to understand that, but I couldn’t. I was just as stressed, and I wasn’t acting like a complete maniac whenever something bad happened.

I saw Zayn start to storm up the front stairs. He left the crib in the car, and he was now coming in here to yell at me. I didn’t move from my position standing in the middle of the entry way. I wasn’t going to have him come in here and blow up in my face. I was an independent, strong woman, and I was going to stand my ground.

A few seconds later the sound of his keys was rattling on the other side of the door, and before I knew it I was face to face with a very upset Zayn.

“What the fuck is your problem, Rose?” He screamed at me, not bothering to close the door, letting the world hear that he wasn’t happy.

I looked at him in disbelief. “What’s my problem? You’re the one with all the problems! You’re the one that is yelling at me!”

“That’s because you can be so fucking stupid! I am seriously so god damn tired of this little innocent act that you put on! Let me tell you something, sweetie, you aren’t!”

“Oh. So now I’m stupid? Why? Is it because I just take all your shit? Or is it because I fucking let you do this to me?” I yelled back at him. I had never told him he was the one to blame for all of this, me being pregnant and the hate, but for some reason I blurted it out, and that only made things worse.

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