Chapter 39

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"Come on babe."  Zayn had his arms wrapped my waist from behind,  his chin rested on my shoulder. I was in the kitchen trying to make breakfast and he was trying to take me back to bed.

For the last three weeks, since Zayn came back from his trip, he'd been very persistent with having sex with me. He said we needed to make up for lost time.

I flipped the pancakes over in the skillet. "Not right now." I pushed his arms away from my body. "We have to get ready for later."

"I know that,  but we won't have time to have sex later or any time after that." He pointed out. I knew that was true, but after today, sex wasn't even going to be the top thing on my mind.

I turned around and saw he was leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. I mimicked his actions. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Zayn gave me a small smile. "It isn't but I'm going to miss getting to bang you anytime I want."

I rolled my eyes and went back to making breakfast.  "I'm going to tell Val that her dad would rather have sex than be with her."

I heard a chuckle behind me. "Well, maybe if her mom wasn't so fuckable we wouldn't have that problem."

"Now you really aren't getting any action." I put a couple pancakes on a plate and handed it to Zayn. "Go eat so we can get going."

He took the plate from me and kissed my cheek softly. "We will make time for each other though. I'm not going to stop just because we have a kid at home with us."

"I know and we will. We're going to have to if we want us to stay as strong as we are." I plated some pancakes for myself and sat down at the table.

We were silent for a few minutes. The only sounds that could be heard were us breathing and forks clanking against the plates. Both of us had been anticipating this day since Valentina was born.

This day was the day we were going to feel like an actual family.


“Are you sure we have everything we need?” I asked Zayn. We had just pulled into the hospital parking lot and I was starting to get anxious.

He nodded as he stopped the car. “Yeah. All they said to bring was a carseat and clothes if we wanted to change her into something different. I think we’re all good. Oh, and her blanket. I think she’ll love it.” Zayn held up a pastel pink blanket that he bought. In the corner it had “Valentina Rose Malik December 13, 2013” stitched in a slightly darker shade of pink. There was a white border with pink polka dots all over it.

“No. Not like with us. At home. We have everything we need, right? We got a ton of diapers at the baby shower, and clothes and toys. She has enough preemie clothes I think. The other ones won’t fit her yet. Oh, and I got some of that formula for premature babies the doctors told us about.” I started saying. My brain started thinking about everything that Valentina needed. It also thought about other things too. “What if she doesn’t even like the formula though? Or what if she doesn’t eat when I feed her? I’m going to feel like I can’t even take care of my own kid.”

“Babe stop.” Zayn placed a hand on my leg. I looked over at him. “I know you’re scared. So am I though. We just have to do it though. We can’t overthink everything. She’s coming home and that’s what matters. She’s well enough to finally come home.”

I leaned over the center console and gave Zayn a big hug. I thought about how in a matter of minutes, not hours, not days, not weeks, but minutes I’d be back in this car with my baby girl. She’d be sitting in the backseat completely oblivious to what was going on. The hospital had been her home for the last ten weeks, so I didn’t know how she would react to being out in the real world.

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