Chapter 24

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“Can you believe it?” I whispered to Bryden as we drove back to my apartment. Bryden offered to drive because I hadn’t stopped looking at the ultrasound since Doctor Mitchell had handed it to me. My whole world was there in that one little picture.

Bryden laughed and turned into the parking garage of the building. “No I can’t.” He pulled into a vacant spot. “It’s truly amazing. All of it. How do they know though?”

“Know what?” I turned to look at him, putting the ultrasound in my wallet with the other ones.

“The sex. I mean, the thing is so small and-”

“Thing?” He just called my baby a thing. I wasn’t sure of how I should respond to that.

“Sorry. The baby is so small and I just don’t know how they could tell what it is.” Bryden explained.

I climbed out of the car. “The doctor showed you how he knew though, and you asked him a million times how to figure it out. I’m pretty sure you could tell someone the gender of their baby now.” I laughed as we walked into the building.

Bryden was laughing too. “That’s because I wanted him to be one hundred percent positive. You probably want to start shopping for things now, and you need to know.”

His concern was sweet. Bryden was right though. I wanted to start shopping for clothes and bedding and toys. I wasn’t going to do any of that until I moved into the new apartment in a week though. That would just be more for me to move.

“Yeah, and Zayn and I can start thinking about names.” I said, upsetting myself when the words came out of my mouth. Zayn doesn’t even deserve to know what he is having, let alone having a say in what his child’s name is going to be.

Bryden and I reached the elevators and got in one. Bryden wasn’t saying anything in regard to my last statement. I wondered if it bothered him knowing Zayn, who hasn’t been there these last few weeks, would have the responsibility in choosing a name. I’m sure it also bothered Bryden that this baby would be a Malik. Even though we weren’t together, I could see it in Bryden’s eyes. He wanted me back so bad, but for whatever reason he wouldn’t admit that to me. What he didn’t know is that if he confessed to me he wanted me back, I would welcome him back with open arms.  

When we reached my floor, Bryden stepped out and walked to my door. He waited for me to unlock it, and then went inside as soon as the door was open. Sabrina and Alexis were sitting in the living room. Both of them immediately jumped off the couch and rushed over to me.

“So?” Alexis asked.

“What is it? What is it?” Sabrina was pulling me towards the couches.

“It’s a-” I turned my head in the direction of my room because I heard yelling. “Who’s in my room?” I walked down the hall.

“Well you’re just a deadbeat father! Why don’t you pay attention to the girl that is carrying your child instead of some girl who won’t even stick around once she finds out everything!” Someone yelled. It was Cecilia. I could tell.

“What I do is none of your business!” It was Zayn. He did show up, and now he was facing the girl who despised him the most. Plus, Bryden and I had just come back from the doctor’s, and Zayn finding that out wasn’t going to be good.

I debated on not going into the room, but I couldn’t handle two people that I loved fighting in front of me.

“What the hell is going on in here?” I walked in the room, throwing my purse on to the bed.

Cecilia was the first to explain her behavior. “He’s a horrible father Rose. Not only did he show up late, but now he is throwing the world’s biggest fit over the fact that you went without him.” Bryden still hadn’t made an appearance in my room, so neither one of them didn’t know he was here.

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