Chapter 25

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I sat in the passenger seat of Zayn’s car. The drive to his house was too long and too silent. He hadn’t said a word to me since we left my apartment. If he wanted to talk to me so bad, then why wasn’t he speaking to me?

All I could do now was wait patiently. My hands were caressing my baby bump, my daughter. I wanted her to be able to feel my comforting touch. To let her know that everything between me and daddy was okay. Whoever she may be. Whether she was a Bethany, a or Samantha. A Patricia like Zayn’s mom, or a Rosemary like me. She needed to know that she had two loving parents that would do anything for her. I already knew where I stood. I didn’t know where Zayn was though. From the moment I found out I was pregnant with her I knew I would die for her. I’d kill for her. I’d give her anything and everything she needs so she has a good life.

As we pulled in the driveway, I looked over at Zayn. Something was definitely different about him. He wasn’t as guarded as he had been over the last few weeks. A wall had come down in him, and it was refreshing to see. Even though he did have some major explaining to do, I knew that I couldn’t stay mad at him for what he’d done.

Zayn got out of the car, not saying a word to me. I took that as my cue to follow him into the house.

Walking up the stone steps to the front door reminded me of that day everything came out about me being pregnant. It was on those steps that I told Bryden that it was Zayn who I cheated on him with. The look on his face that day was still burned into the back of my mind. I still felt terrible for what I did to him, and I probably will never be able to forgive myself for it.

As I walked into the entryway memories of me standing here that night my daughter was conceived flooded my brain. I never went further than this. Only up the stairs and to Zayn’s room before he took my virginity. That’s all it was. There were no emotions there. Not for me anyway.

Zayn led me into the kitchen where I sat down on one of the tall bar stools. He took the time to find something for me to drink before sitting down next to me, placing his hands on my knees. This felt right. For whatever reason, right now was where I knew I needed to be. I couldn’t explain why all of a sudden I was thinking that, but I didn’t care. The Zayn sitting only a foot away from me was the Zayn that I was best friends with. Not the Zayn that had been taken over by some girl. The Zayn that would call me at three in the morning just because he missed me. The Zayn that I couldn’t live without.

I took a drink from the water Zayn got me, and looked at him. He was sitting facing me, with his eyes directed at where our daughter was safely growing. His hands wandered up my thighs and rested where I could feel her moving about.

“I,” Zayn paused for a moment, and stood up from his seat. His hands were still placed on my stomach. He diverted his attention to my eyes though. “I am so sorry, Rose.” His hands moved to my face and cupped my cheeks delicately. “I never meant to hurt you. You have to know that.”

A barely audible whisper came from me. “Then why did you?” Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes.

“I don’t know.” Zayn replied. He was being sincere, but I felt like there was more to this. There had to be.

Zayn’s hands were still on my face. His thumbs were stroking my cheeks. His touch made me feel a way that scared me. Not in a fearing for my life kind of way, but a way that made me forget about everything in the real world. Right now we were in our own little fantasy. Like this was some sort of fairy tale and my prince charming was coming to rescue me from all things evil. It was like McKenzie was the bad queen of whatever made up world we were a part of, and Bryden was just the guy that is vying for the princess’s attention but her heart was simply elsewhere… with the prince.

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