Chapter 20

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"Hello." I heard a sweet, calm voice on the other end of the line. Relief flooded me because I knew I had someone to talk to.

"Hi Patricia." I said. I shifted in my seat to get more comfortable.

"Hey Rose." She seemed happy to hear from me. "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing much. Zayn and I just got done at the doctor's. We had an ultrasound." I explained. It felt good to be able to talk to someone's mother about this since mine was doing nothing to be there for me.

"Yeah?" I could hear the excitement in her voice. "What did the doctor say?"

I unbuckled my seat belt and started to gather my belongings so I could walk inside. "He said everything was progressing well. Everything with the baby is great. We could see the profile today, and it was moving around like crazy. I kind of just want it to be big enough so I can feel it move." I laughed at the thought. I could hear Patricia laugh too.

"You will feel it soon enough. I remember when I was pregnant with Zayn and how much he moved. It's a great experience." She started to get a more serious tone in her voice. "And even though you are young, and this is completely unexpected, just know that Yaser and I are going to be here for you. I'd hate for you to go through this by yourself. I know Zayn has said he is going to be there, and I believe that, but I also think you need to have parents in your life. Your mom has made it clear that she isn't happy with this."

Patricia mentioning my mom was something I didn't expect to hear. "You talked to my mom?"

I heard her sigh on the other end of the line. "Yeah. I called her a couple days after we left there to try and see if she was okay with everything. I'm sure you know she isn't.”

“She made it pretty clear that she wants nothing to do with me.” I explain. The thoughts of that conversation with my mom brought tears to my eyes. I quickly wiped them away to prevent myself from completely melting down.

“I told her that she should be a little more understanding with this. I know you are having a tough time, and you don't need that stress in your life. I don't know what is going through her head, but Rose, please stay out of that drama. You want your parents to be there for you. I'd want that too, but I think if you just keep worrying about it, it will only cause problems. You want as little stress in your life as possible, and I know you have enough of it already."

That’s when I broke down completely, and the tears started to flow freely from my eyes. “I just don’t know why they are treating me like this. It’s not like this is their life. They haven’t take care of me financially in two years, and I live on my own. I take care of myself. I wasn’t even expecting them to help me with anything.” I kept rambling on. “The only person I want,” I paused for a moment to get out the more appropriate word, “need is Zayn, and I don’t even think his head is in the right place right now.” I didn’t mean to accuse Zayn of becoming more distant from me to his mother, but I needed to tell someone.

“Why do you say that, sweetie?” Patricia seemed concerned with my last statement.

I wiped the tears from my face, smearing my black make up in the process. I steadied my breathing before speaking. “I don’t know. He just . . . I feel like he’s more concerned McKenzie than me.” I confessed. Despite the fact that Zayn was super sweet towards me when we talked about the baby, I felt like that was all there was to talk about between us. To me, our friendship was slipping through my fingers.  “I mean, I know she is his girlfriend, but the only times I’ve seen him are when we have to do something for the baby. Today was the first time I saw him since we came back from the anniversary party. We don’t even talk that much anymore. I’m scared that I’m losing him.”

Beautiful Mistakes {Zayn M.}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin