Author's note

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Well, this story is officially done! You have no idea how emotional I am right now. It's a bittersweet feeling knowing that I finished my very first story on Wattpad. I can finally put that little green check mark on the story. 

I just want to say a few quick things. I'll try to make this fast:

1) I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to do a sequel, so this is it. I don't really think there needs to be a sequel to it anyway. 

2) I hope you all decide to read my next story. It's called Fearless and it is going to be a Liam AU story. That one will be coming out very soon. 

3) The last think I need to say is one big massive thank you. I don't think you know how thankful I am for all of the support I've received on this story. I honestly don't even know how else to say it. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I've never been so dedicated to a story before, and it is because of all you amazing readers that I pushed through and finished it, so THANK YOU!

I think that's all. I hope you enjoyed this story. If you did, let me know. Go back and vote on the chapters, or leave me a comment here. Recommend it to your friends.  Ask me questions about anything you want. I want to know what you thought of it. 

I love each and every one of you! 



Beautiful Mistakes {Zayn M.}Where stories live. Discover now