Chapter 65 - The Dance Begins

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~1 Hour Later~

I was in my room, resting on my bed after a good ol' shower. The events taking place after I walked back inside were the usual. There was yelling, lectures, scolding, threatening, all the usual. Ukyo gave up on the idea of an escort since he knows I always found a way to escape from any of the brothers. Although, I did not focus on any of that. Midori sensei...kissed me today. All because I reminded him of someone special to him. It must be eating him up inside. The kiss, 'Roselle-san' does this all connect to me? Whoever Roselle-san was, she must mean a lot to him. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. I get up with a grunt, and swung the door open.



'Oh, it's just Yu-chan.' 

"Oh hey Yu-chan."I greet."You need something?"

Yu smiles widely and hands me a letter before running to the elevator and escaping from my questions. I stand there for a while, just staring at the letter in my hand. It was in a pink envelope and had a daisy sticker that held it closed. My shoulders shrug and I open the envelope to see a hot pink piece of paper that had black writing in ink.

'To Saki,

I really like you. Can we meet at the auditorium tomorrow after your last class?


Secret Admirer'

Should I meet who ever this is? What am I saying? There is only one person who could have written this letter. I throw the pink nothings onto my desk and ran a hand through my hair.

'Why is being a normal girl so difficult?'

~Tomorrow - Midori's Psychology Class~

"Logic. What is logic in your own definition? Any hands?...No? Alright. I find logic as a reason for reassurance when it comes to a particular situation. Logic is seen as human instinct. For example, 'Don't touch fire.' Why don't we touch fire?"

"Because you can get burned."

"In simple terms yes. Unless you're a masochist, logic and reason are evident in yourself. The idea of logic helps to find someone's ideas and or attitude. A person's logic can vary. Some may be daredevils, ignoring the possibility of pain and injury when it comes to an activity, some are introverts who are very careful. They use logic as a reason for many things. To get out of activities that require social interaction. Then there are the quote on quote "normals" who use logic to stay out of dangerous situations. Why can't you jump off a building? Because the pressure of your body hitting the ground would cause organs to rupture. Why doesn't anyone drink mercury? Why, it's poisonous! Many of you use logic and reason for your entire life and never knew that actual meaning. Most people call logic, the obvious reasons. Psychology revolves around the human brain and how it works. Logic makes a big part of it."

The bell rings and a few students stay behind to wake up their friends. Midori leaves early due to...reasons...and here I am. In the auditorium. Waiting for my secret admirer to show themselves.


I look to my left to see Mitsuki looking at the ground with a bright red blush on her face. 

"D-Did you u-um get t-the letter?"she stutters.

"Yes."I say bluntly, walking toward her.

She winced as I stood right in front of her, I tilted her chin up to look at me. The height difference allowed me to look at her straight in the eye. Her blush grew and grew as more silence was the only thing being returned by me.

Ema's...FRIEND?! (BROTHERS CONFLICT FANFICTION)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora