Chapter 18 - The Phone Call

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I lied on my white beach towel with my black sunglasses on. The sunscreen I had lathered on helped keep my skin the shade it is, while Yuusuke was still running from Masaomi who had the bottle of sunscreen in his hands. Hikaru lied next to me and the two of us talked about life...and boys. Specifically his brothers.

"Have you had any 'moments' with my nii-sans?"he asked.

"Define moments."I say blankly.

Right now my mind was elsewhere. My agent called me yesterday saying that my fans were going berserk and that the only thing that would stop all the chaos was to have either a tour or a new movie. One was a less expensive choice than the other...but it was wrong as well. I didn't want to leave right after the trip. Rintarou and Ema would be devastated that I'd be gone for a month. And the brothers...I don't even know why I'm thinking about them. They aren't MY brothers. They're just my friend's brothers.

"You're lost in thought I see."

"Hikaru-san..."I grumble.


Then my phone rang. My bag was placed on the table where all the brothers sat in the shade, eating. I quickly ran and grabbed my bag, ignoring their questioned looks and ran to the ocean. My toes dug into the sand as the waves pulled the ground away and back again. I answer the call, hearing the chirpy voice on the other line.

"Hi there Saki-chan!"

"Yoko-san? It's about time you called me. To think it was a smart idea making you my agent."I breath with an irk mark on my head.

"Ah gomenasai! I just wanted to tell you that I'm here! At the Bahamas!"

"WHAT?! Why?!"

"I wanted to see you again and I had a business trip to the Bahamas a few days ago! After staying here for two days I just needed to stay here a little while longer! But of course I didn't have an excuse, but then I found out that you were here! So I decided to stay because of you! Two weeks is it? I thought so! That was how long I reserved my room for!"

"You idiot...Do you know how much money that costs?"

"A lot I know! That's why I'm your manager!"

"Because you waste money?"

"No! Because I care about you! So do you want to go out on a little date??? I heard there's this perfect restaurant, over seeing the beach! Let's go! Please!!!!!!!!"

"Fine...Just so I can give Ema and her family some space."


"Damn you're making me deaf here."

"Gomen. See you at Pier 1 Bahamas Restaurant at 7:00! Bye!"


Yoko hung up and I was deciding whether or not to throw my phone into the water out of annoyance. She was so noisy. But that doesn't mean I don't care about her. I sigh and walk to the beach table where all the brothers, all except for Hikaru, Subaru, Kaname, Louis, Wataru, Yusuke, Ema, and Fuuto sat. They all gave me skeptical looks.

"You look pretty stressed Saki-chan. Want to tell us what on your mind?"asks Azusa.

"No thanks. Nothing's wrong. I just need to see my friend at 7:00. Is that okay with you all?"

"It's okay with us Saki!"smiled Tsubaki.


I walk back to my blanket and started up a new conversation with Hikaru. I hope the others don't do anything stupid when I'm gone.

Azusa P.O.V

Taking a sip of my water bottle, I stared at my white-haired twin annoyingly. I knew exactly what was going through his mind.

"Do you seriously want to stalk Saki-chan tonight?"

Many of the others gasped at my statement while Kyo-nii pushed up his glasses and Tsuba-nii shot up from his seat.

"We need to protect her. Don't you know about her past? You of all people should agree with me that we should keep her safe."he says matter of factly.

"If you are stalking Saki-chan, then count me in. You have a good point."states Natsume."She's a stranger to us, hiding too much of her pain and past from us. Maybe if we get to know her, then she may just open up to us...for once I agree with you, Tsuba-nii."

"R-Really...Oh my gosh! Natsume agrees with me for once!"gasps Tsuba-nii.

I sigh and nod. "I'm coming too."

"Ma, ma, nii-sans are already becoming interested in Saki-chan I see."

"S-Shut up Hika-nii."mutters Kyo-nii, rolling up a newspaper."We all just care very much about her."

"Yes. But I do not think I should intrude into her social life...I will stay behind and take care of Ema-nee and Wataru-nii."says Masaomi.

Everyone nods as I sit there, slightly uncomfortable.

'This is for the best Saki-chan...'

"I over heard her phone call. Saki-chan and her friend will be going to a restaurant called...Pier 1 Bahamas Restaurant."smirked Hika-nii.

"Cool. So who else is going. We need to plan this quickly."says Tsuba-nii.

"Tsubaki, Ukyo, Hikaru, Azusa, and Natsume are going."said lori-nii.

I forgot he was even sitting here. He was so quiet and it was as if his mind was elsewhere.

"I'm coming too."he finally says.

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