Older years

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//Third Person\\

Naruto yawned as he raised his head from the table and looked over at Chidori, who was busy cooking. He smiled then stood and made his way to the fridge to look at the calendar, 
"Today is the day" he said with a soft smile. He heard a soft sigh from Chidori and knew she nodded. Naruto turned and looked at her,
"Are you nervous?" She looked up at him. Her eyes were tired but full of wisdom and strength,
"I have worked with them ever since the war ended...." she trailed off a moment,
"some of them were dead Naruto and we had to make a new jutsu to bring them to life and then I had to teach them how to live in society again........and now we are going in front of ALL the Kages and their generals to be evaluated? Yes, I am nervous" she said. 

Naruto looked at his wife......his pregnant wife, and frowned,
"Maybe we can change the date.....ya know with the baby and all" he said quietly. Chidori smiled at him and he felt reassured because it wasn't one of her fake smiles, it made him happy. 
Naruto walked over to Chidori and wrapped his arms around her from behind and rubbed her pregnant belly,
"I wonder what she'll look like.....I bet she'll have your amazing eyes" Naruto said softly. Chidori chuckled, 
"With our luck, she'll have your stubbornness" Both Chidori and Naruto laughed. 

They stood their talking about the child and the events that might unfold today at the meeting,
"It's going to be broadcasted live to all homes in all the villages Naruto....even people who live off the grid are coming into larger villages to watch.......what if people don't think I did good enough?" Naruto said nothing for a moment but instead thought of all the hard work she had put into making the Akatsuki people who others would look up to. He remembered one specific night when he had gone to visit her in the mountains where they were staying while she was working with them and she was standing over Hidan who was bleeding and unconscious on the floor. She was working with him on his anger issues and language and of course he got angry when she got in his face screaming at him, and he attacked her. They fought for a short while before she knocked him out. He remembered how proud he was of her, she wasn't afraid of get physical with them, she wasn't afraid of hurting them, but she was afraid of letting them down and let them miss out on having a life,
"Trust me Chi, you will do fine" he said softly. Chidori smiled at his nickname for her and nodded, 
"alright.....we should probably eat" Naruto chuckled as he moved away from her so she could make their plates. 

//Le time skip :3......Chidori's P.O.V\\

I sigh as I sit in the what was basically the waiting room at the kage summit. I was so nervous even though Naruto had reassured me many times that I wouldn't fail. I looked up when the doors opened and Shikamaru was there, looking at me then at the ex- Akatsuki members behind me,
"They are ready for you" he said softly. I nodded and lead the group into the meeting room. Once inside they told him to explain everything I had done with them, and so I did. I turned and  looked at the Akatsuki members. 

Kisame had been a bit tough to train

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Kisame had been a bit tough to train. I had to treat him like a child and teach him not to kill his teammates, even if they were about to give away secrets that could hurt others. It had been a long and tough road with both of us getting hurt in the process, turns out that a shark man does not like being treated like a five year old. But after a while everything began to sink in and he was a little less blood thirsty but I knew for a fact that he wouldn't kill his teammates anymore. He wants to become a samurai for the Land of Iron.

Sasori had also been very difficult but not because of his personality but because of his body

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Sasori had also been very difficult but not because of his personality but because of his body. We had to make a jutsu, much like the one he used to make himself a puppet but this jutsu was a basically the opposite of that one. The end result was him being a normal person but sadly he didn't feel pain like a normal person anymore due to the amount of time he spent as a puppet. He wants to go back to the Sand Village and work to be a puppet maker and puppeteer.

Deidara wasn't that difficult honestly, all I had to do was teach him how to be a team player and team work

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Deidara wasn't that difficult honestly, all I had to do was teach him how to be a team player and team work......but that was actually kind of difficult. He wants to go to Suna with Sasori so they could be a team together. Even though they had their disagreements with art they were a really good team.

Obito was I think one of the easiest

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Obito was I think one of the easiest. Due to Madara stabbing him in the back (almost literally -_-) he is more than eager to coming back to the leaf village. I was able to pay enough money for him to have surgery to fix the scars on his face then I all I did was keep a very close eye on him for a long time, just to make sure he didn't slip back.

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