Feel like i'm dying

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Hai guys!!!!!! Its the forth day of school and its going pretty well, the guys I told you about are leaving me alone for now -_- but right now I just feel like disappearing from earth.

The laptop I use for school is owned by the school so they can block whatever they want, whenever they want so if I don't update in a week or more that is probably why. But that's not why i'm upset. The reason i'm upset is because I think the school blocked G+ because I can't get onto it. 
Why is this such a big deal you ask? Because that is LITERALLY the only place I can talk to my girlfriend on......So i'm sitting here trying not to cry because I haven't seen her in several months and I can't stand not talking to her, like I can't do it. So while I try and figure out a way to talk to her you guys can watch this montage of youtube video's.

This next one is a song I found that I really like, I hope you guys like it. 

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