Chapter something

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//Chidori's P.O.V\\

I yawned as I sat on the front porch of my and Naruto's home. It had been almost 3 years since the attack on Konoha from the Sand and Sound village, and it had been 3 years since Naruto had left to train and Tsunade had become Hokage.....and 3 years since I had become Head Anbu Captain. 
Sarutobi had passed away recently, it was in his sleep thankfully so he didn't suffer any pain. After looking his body over and performing several tests, a team of medical ninja and a team of my Anbu decided he had passed away due to a heart attack in his sleep.  Even though the village had mourned, I think everyone was thankful that he lived at least 2 years longer. 

I sighed then smiled as I looked up at the sky, watching the clouds float in the sky high above any of us. I closed my eyes and smiled happily when someone wrapped their arms around my waist, 
"About time you woke up" I said playfully to Naruto. He simply chuckled and sat beside me on the porch, 
"How long have you been up?" He asked me. I could see the look of worry in his eyes. I smiled softly, 
"I woke up early this morning and decided to go see him. I talked to him for a while then I just walked around the village for a while then finally came back here" He smiled sadly, 
"has it really been 3 years today?" he asked quietly. I smiled softly again. I knew he was talking about how I almost died when the village was attacked, 
"Yes it has" I said with a smile.

As Naruto and I exited our home and started on our way to the Hokage Building, we walked side by side with our fingers intertwined. I smiled to myself as we entered the building, knowing that after this our lives would never be the same because today Naruto would begin his Hokage training and I would start a very very long mission that involved rehabilitating the Akatsuki. 

Alright I know this sucks but I'm gonna redo it later and put more detail in it. This is the last chapter I will be making of this story. I may do a sequel, MAYBE!!!! But I hope you guys will enjoyed this story :) It is NOT goodbye, I might do a sequel and I might keep adding to it but right now I think i'm gonna start on a new story and my school work. 

I really really hope i'm not letting anyone down :( Honestly i've talked to a lot of you and so many of you have become friends to me so I really hope none of you will be angry with me about this. 

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