Chapter 3

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(Sex scene warning. If you want to be a little bitch and complain to me then go ahead but you will be reported. As I've said many times before the sex scene was written by a friend of mine and I'm just to lazy to change it. Please quit commenting things like "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! ARENT THEY TWELVE?!" You have been warned)

Chapter 3: meeting Shiva

Chidori and Naruto went to the spot where they were supposed met and waited for the others to show up sakura was the first to arrive, Chidori studied sakura for a while then said "sakura are you and Naruto friends" she seemed surprised that she talked to her "um well I guess why?" Chidori shrugged if she was a friend of Naruto then she would trust her just not yet. Sasuke arrived next and Kakashi arrived 3 hours late "YOUR LATE" Naruto and Sakura yelled at him "sorry a black cat crossed my path so I had to go the long way" Naruto and sakura glared at him but Chidori wasn't listening then he said " alright I have a few missions for you guys today...weeding the herbalist garden, walking the spirits dog's and picking up trash from the river...alright lets go" Naruto grumbled on about how he wouldn't be able to test his skills but was mostly quiet. They got to the herbalist garden sakura, Sasuke, and Chidori were just pulling the weeds but Naruto wasn't paying attention so he was pulling the weeds and the herbs, then the lady came out "I picked all of the weeds ma'am" he said "you pulled the weeds....but you also pulled my special herbs" then he hit him on the head Kakashi looked at Chidori but she wasn't paying attention just pulling weeds but he could tell by the way her ears were siting that she was listening " thank you, you 3 pulled all of the weeds" she said then glared at Naruto witch made Chidori glare at her "alright next mission" when they got there Chidori picked a silver dog, Sasuke chose a little brown one, sakura chose a reddish brownish one and Naruto chose a huge brown dog "are you sure you want to walk that one, it's not really a dog " the women said, Chidori just nodded "alright but just so you know she has the tendency to attack anyone that tries to touch her" Chidori shrugged and walked toward her then stopped and held out her hand everyone froze the wolf/dog sniffed her hand then licked her then pushed her head into Chidori's hand " that's amazing I have never seen her do that to anyone" Chidori shrugged, they started walking the dog's or in Naruto's case who was being dragged by his dog, they all watch as Naruto was dragged by his dog into a mine field they set off multiple bombs then they came back out the dog was fine it was Naruto that was toasted. After they gave the dogs a 5 mile walk they took the dogs back when they were about to leave the women and her husband came out with a leash, they walked right up to Chidori and the women said "we would really appresheate it if you adopted Shiva" Chidori looked to Kakashi he gave her a closed eye smile and said "go ahead" she nodded the man gave her a clip board and told her were to sign she signed it then she went and got Shiva "alright now for our final mission today" Kakashi said they walked to the river that had a water fall at the end, Chidori tied Shiva's lease to the tree, Kakashi gave each of them baskets and sticks to get the trash with, after several min Naruto slipped and went over the water fall Chidori made a cushion of water under Naruto that he landed then Sasuke helped him back up "good reaction Chidori" Kakashi said. They went back to work finally they were done, Chidori untied Shiva and they took all of the trash to the recycling center. Chidori took Shiva to the store to get her some things she got her a head band that would grow with her, a food and water bowl,a doggie bed,food, and some chewy toys, she took them to the counter and payed for them then she,Shiva and Naruto left. When they got home Naruto went up to his room several seconds later Chidori heared his snores she let shiva off of her leash and filled her food and water bowls Shiva went right for them "so why do you attak everyone else but not me hmm" she asked Shiva "well because you smell like a wolf" a female voice in head said "so that's why no one ever adoptes you?" she nodded her head "don't worry I won't do that". One month passes and there's only one more week to this month ,Chidori could tell something was going to happen and so could Shiva. "Alright come on Naruto you to Shiva we got to go met everyone at the bridge " "alright I'm coming"they said at the same time they left the apartment and made their way to the bridge that went over the river that they had gotten trash out of. Like always Chidori and Naruto and Shiva were the first ones there then Sakura then Sasuke and finally Kakashi "alright guys I have some news we have no missions today so you can do whatever you want today" then he left Chidori shrugged then she and Shiva left leaving Sakura to ask Sasuke to a date and when he said "no" Naruto said that he would take her but that only ended with her hiting him. Chidori jumped up into a tree and Shiva jumped up right beside her after a few min she saw two foran ninja's appear they were just talking then a little boy bumbed into the guy "hey watch it brat" he said then picked up the boy by his shirt "put him down!" she heard Naruto say she turned and there was Naruto, Sakura and two other little kids that must have been friends with the little boy being strangled, Chidori glared at him then said to Shiva " stay hear i'll be right back" she drew her sword and in a flash was behind the boy with her sword at his throat "put him down now" she said "and if I don't" "kankuro come on we have to go before HE gets hear" still he didn't let konahamaru go "konkuro put him down" came a cold voice Chidori looked up into the tree were she had been a boy with blood red hair, green eyes that were outlined by black from lack of sleep 'just like mine' "oh s-sorry gaara I was completely out of line" "shut up...or I'll kill you" the boy shut his mouth then droped konahamaru when Sasuke threw a pebble at his hand,"hey move your sword" the girl that was his team mate said "not until he says he's sorry" she said "fine...I'm sorry" Chidori put her sword away and jumped back to her spot in the tree right next to the boy called Gaara. His team mates looked at her like she was crazy she didn't know why-but then a smell hit her nose it smelled like blood and something else, 'is that...sand?' she thought, the boy disappeared in a whirlwind of sand then reappeared in front of his team mates "I'm sorry if my siblings caused you any trouble " the boy said then they turned around and started to walk away but Sasuke said "hey what's your name?" "who me" the blond girl said blushing "no the one with the gourd on his back"  he turned around they didn't miss the glare that he was sending them "names Subaku No Gaara, I'm curious about you to... both of you" he said looking at Sasuke then Chidori "Sasuke Uchiha" "Chidori" he waited for a last name but she didn't say anything, they turned around and walked off. When they left Naruto and the others left to but went the other way. Throughout the day Chidori watched the ninja's from SUNA, they were very interesting the girl had blond hair that was in a ponytail and had a giant fan, her name was Tamari, the boy with purple marks on his face was weird she could tell he was a puppeteer cause of the thing that was on his back, his name was Konkuro, the other boy Gaara was... just like Chidori, he showed no emotion but his team mates were scared of him and she knew why, he had the 1 tailed raccoon Shukaku, the 1 tail's is just like the 11 tail's if they sleep they'll take over them so he had the black around his eyes just like Chidori, but Gaara wasn't completely sane, that's why his blood lust was so strong. Finally Chidori and Shiva got tired of watching them so they went home to find Naruto already passed out. That night Chidori left Shiva in the house with Naruto and went out to train.

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