Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: going to the leaf village

Naruto and the others didn’t notice but she did, the Kakashi they were walking behind was a clone ‘he probably left to warm the hokage and ninjas of his village that I’m with them’ she thought after a while the girl those name was Sakura stared to talk to her but she ignored her so when she asked what was wrong she was going to bite her head off literally if Naruto hadn’t gotten in between them and said that she didn’t talk “why?” she asked “don’t know “she then stopped talking to her, after walking for 5 miles Naruto and Sakura started to whine about how they were tired and their feet hurt after listening to it for about 2 more miles she got tired of it and growled at them “I agree with her be quiet you two” Sasuke said Naruto glared at him but sakura stared to whine that Sasuke had fused at her. After a few more miles Chidori could see the village gates, when they finally could see it Naruto and Sakura ran off and Sasuke followed. Chidori stopped and watched as they were greeted by the hokage and other ninja’s and the real Kakashi. When Kakashi relised she wasn’t there he asked them “hey do you know where our little friend went?” Naruto and Sakura shock their heads but Sasuke motion at her with his head, Kakashi, the hokage and the ninja’s all looked at her she had laid down on the ground her head on her paws just watching them “is that her Kakashi?” the hokage asked Kakashi nodded then called her over to them even if he killed Haku she trusted him and Naruto more than them so she got up and went over to them but stopped when she got beside Kakashi “ I thought you said she was a girl Kakashi” a guy in a green jump suit, black hair and bushy eye brows said she glared at him and then growled lowly several of the ninja’s took out kunai’s and one even stepped in front of the hokage ‘ they think I was growling at the hokage’ she thought Kakashi put his hand on her head and he didn’t even have to bend over her head reached his elbow, as soon as he touched her she went silent “why don’t you transform Chidori” Kakashi said she nodded then turned back into herself, the hokage smiled “it is very nice to meet you Chidori, Kakashi has told me much about you” they all looked at her expecting her to talk “um gramps yeah she doesn’t talk” several of the ninja’s glared at him and one even tried to hit him, she says tried because in a split second she had turned into her wolf and had bit the man that had tried to hit him. He pulled his hand back and they all looked at her surprised even Sasuke did, she didn’t turn back but she did say “don’t touch Naruto” (yes she can talk in her wolf form) all of their eyes went wide the first words they had heard her utter had been ones to defend Naruto “why don’t we go to my office” the hokage said she didn’t say anything she just stayed by Naruto. The hokage turned around and walked through the opened gates with everyone following him. Chidori stayed in between Naruto and Kakashi when they got into the village sakura and Sasuke and most of the ninja’s left, finally they got to a big building that Naruto said was the hokage tower then he told her what floor and room the Hokage’s office was so she turned into herself and teleported them there witch really surprised them but they got over it. The hokage sat behind his desk and all of the ninja’s left except Naruto and Kakashi, there were 2 puffs of smoke behind the hokage when it cleared to ANBU ninja’s were there “alright can you tell me who your parents are?” Chidori didn’t want to tell him he had no right knowing that information so she shook her head but Naruto said “Chidori you have to tell him he has to know” ‘no he doesn’t’ she thought but she just nodded “ my father was Zabuza Momochi and my mother was marina Sora” when she said her mother’s last name the hokage’s eyes went wide, but he recovered and nodded then asked “do you have the kekkai genkai of the Sora clan?” she nodded “can you show me?” she sighed then closed her eyes when she opened them they were the blood red one’s of the sharingan. The hokage nodded “ do you wish to live hear?” the room went quiet “that is why you followed kakashi’s team hear is it not?” she thought about it then nodded he smiled “now from what Kakashi told me you do have ninja skills” she nodded he smiled “then do you wish to be a ninja” she nodded he wrote something down on paper then gave her a head band she looked at it then at the head band she already had “oh so your already a ninja?” the hokage asked she nodded, she then took out a kunai the ANBU ninja’s took out kunais of their own but she ignored them and carved the symbol of the land of waves into her new head band then put it on her upper arm.  The hokage smiled "since you are already aquanted with naruto i'll have you be his roomate" Chidori just noded

Zabuza's Daughter (a Naruto love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang