God dang it Orochimaru, AGAIN!?!?!?!? (part 1)

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OK so everyone in the comments asked that Saratobi lived and they wanted gore, well I will give you both, but please don't kill me later ;) tread carefully. 👿

///Hokage's P.O.V\\\
The crowd cheered loudly as Chidori made her way up to the watching platform with the other participants while medic ninja quickly yet carefully, took Baki off the arena floor,
"She's quit a Kunoichi" I turned and looked at the Kazekage and chuckled,
"That she is" I say as I turn to look back at the arena.

//Le time skip.....I a! To lazy to do the fight scenes.....and I'm mad at Sasuke for hurting Gaara\\\

I raised my head and looked ahead as the kunai edged closer to my throat, Orochimaru's quiet laughter echoing in my ear,
"I should have known it was you under that cloak Orochimaru" even though I couldn't see his face I knew he was smirking,
"Perhaps you did Saratobi sensei~ you just didn't want to admit it" he said smirking. I knew he was smirking from the way he spoke. I glared slightly,
"I told you didn't I? You should have picked a fifth Hokage before now because right now you are going to die!" He smirked and licked his kunai.

//Another le time skip\\\

Neither of us moved as we stared each other down, while my anbu watched helplessly from behind the seal, keeping anyone from entering, or at least, that was what I had thought. My head wiped to the right when I heard the sound of nails on the tiles of the roof. I blinked in surprise as Chidori's wolf walked forward till it stood next to me. Now that this large beast stood so close to me I could see something....it was carrying a scroll (like the one that Naruto had on when he fought Pein). The wolf turned and looked at me then let out a sort of huff and gestured towards the scroll. I nodded and pulled the scroll from the creatures back and opened it. Biting my thumb I swiped my blood across the surface of the summoning seal. There was a poof around the wolf and I, once it cleared my eyes widened. Chidori now stood in front me, her arms crossed as she glared Orochimaru down.

Just a little teaser!!!! Part 2 coming soon!!!! Don't forget to vote, share and comment!!!!!

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