The battle begins

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//Chidori's P.O.V\\\

Baki braced himself as I charged at him. I planted my foot and brought the other around, kicking him straight in the ribs, causing him to fly back a few feet before he got his feet under him. He glared and pulled out a kunai just as I did. Our kunai met, causing sparks to fly and the arena explode in applause. He gritted his teeth and pushed hard while I used my foot as leverage.

//Baki's P.O.V.\\

The stupid girl smirked at me, grabbed my wrists and dropped her weight. The air was knocked out of me when I landed on my back....hard. I opened my eyes to see her standing several feet away, her eyes hard and cold just like her father's,
"Get up Baki. This fight is far from over" Her comment caused a loud cheer to sweep threw the arena but it was like she didn't hear it. Her black ears were pushed forward so they were facing me and her tail swished back and forth behind her but I noticed that the fur at the base of her tail was spiked up, she looked like a feral wolf.
She bared her teeth at me and let out a growl before her entire body relaxed. Her ears went back to normal and her tail, everything did, except for her eyes. Her eyes remained hard and cold as if they knew something the rest of us didn', they remained that way, as if they knew something I knew but no one else did.
I could feel my defense wearing thin, my nerves getting to me,
'stop it!! Stop looking at me with those eyes!!' my thoughts screamed. My eyes widen as her body starts to turn blue as she begins to melt. My body starts to shake as I watch this. I move forward but I can't move. I look down to see that my legs and feet are covered in solid ice,
"What the-!?!?!" I started to panic as the ice spread over me but my head snapped up when I heard laughter and fear spread threw me. Mist surrounded me, it was so thick I couldn't see a thing. It was then that I realized that her body melting, and the ice on my legs had just been a genjutsu to distract my from the build up of the Mist.
I pull out a kunai, ready for anything that comes my way when something flies by me at a pace, so fast I couldn't see what it was. When i feel something wet slid down my face I wipe it off my face and see it is blood.

//Hokage's P.O.V.\\

I chuckle as Chidori toys with Baki, slowly driving him insane, wanting to make him reckless as his sight and hearing are put at 0 thanks to the Mist,
"She is strong.....but I expect nothing less from the daughter of Zabuza Momochi." The Kazekage said with a chuckle of his own. I smiled and turned my attention back to the fight. The Mist had spread threw the entire arena, the only reason we could see anything was because the Mist was thin at the top, thin enough for us to see. Chidori must have been inside the Mist because I couldn't see her anywhere. Suddenly, the Mist nearest to Baki started to form what looked like mirrors. When Baki realized what was happening it was too late to get out.

//Sakura's P

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//Sakura's P.O.V.\\

When the Mist cleared and the mirrors became visible I gasped, causing Ino, Choji, and others to look at me, "Sakura, what's wrong?" Ino asked. I watch as Chidori steps inside one of the mirrors,
"I've seen this jutsu before......back when we fought Chidori, her dad and Haku" Izumo and Kotetsu starred at me in shock then looked back down at the fight,
"Well he's screwed"

//Chidori's P.O.V.\\

When I step inside the mirror everything becomes crystal clear. I look at Baki to see his bloody, shaking form. I chuckled,
"How does it feel Baki? To be helpless and alone?" It was like I slapped him across the face. I smirked and brought my arms over my chest (like Haku in the picture), with senbon needles in-between my fingers.
Baki was down on one knee, gasping for breath. I sighed and stepped out of the mirror, and watched as they crumbled around us, showering us with crystals. He raised his head and looked at me with a glare. I just gave him an uncaring look then turned to look at Genma when suddenly I heard Naruto call out,
"CHIDORI BEHIND YOU!!!!!" I turned and ducked down, letting Baki's fist go over my head then I buried my elbow in his gut. Baki's eyes looked like they would pop out of his head then his body sank to the ground. I turned when Genma stepped forward,
"the winner is Chidori Momochi"


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