First Day of School

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*sigh* Well, the first day of school for me was awesome :) I was happy to see my friends again but even though I was happy it seemed bitter sweet because my girlfriend isn't there anymore :( She starts college on the 18.

My day was going pretty well until the guys who have been bullying me since I moved here started their crap again >:( In my first hour (its Health) my friend gave me a donut because I wasn't able to eat breakfast and our teacher said, "Who wants to know how to loose weight?" And I and a few others raised our hands and immediately two boys who were sitting behind me started laughing :(  and then later on in the day when I was getting on the bus and started towards the back of the bus were I sit a boy sticks his foot out and trips me. 
I am so freaking tired of people like them so from now whenever they do anything to me I am going to write it down and then i'm going to turn it in to the principle. Anyway, whats going on with you guys? What are some bullying instances that you've had or you've witnessed? Have you helped someone stand up to their bully? 
I hope you guys are having a good day/evening/night ^w^

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