Escape Part 2

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Carol pushed people through the small door screaming go at them. I scanned the crowd searching for Amy and Jessica,checking that the group were safe. I noticed Jessica climb up the stairs. I turned around and noticed an infected coming down the hallway. "How the hell did he get up here?" I asked the scientist. She pulled out a P.D.A and started sliding her finger along the screen.

"One of the staircases hasn't purged. I warned you it wasn't perfected."

"You said the entire facility was going to blow up not that the infected would get to us."

"Yeah well..." The woman shrugged. "Kill it."

"Ugh." I sighed before grabbing its attention and running off. I stopped every few steps and checked it was following me. I ran into the cafe zone and through the door which lead to the purged staircase. I stopped at the each and whistled. The infected stared at me and started to put up its pace. It was hopping towards me basically and when it was closest to me it lunged, I ducked and the infected flew passed me and into the pit. I ran back to the exit as fast as possible and noticed everyone was gone. I looked down the hall at where the 1st infected came from and there were more coming and from the opposite side as well. I ran through the small gap in the wall and the stairs were completely packed with panicking people. I looked for Carol and the scientists they weren't on the stairwell. I spun around on my feet looking for them. They were at a terminal.

"It won't close!" The scientist was screaming. "Oh my god. We won't get out of here."

"What's wrong?" I asked as I approached them.

"The door won't closed. They'll get through and kill us all."

"They're slow we can get out of her before they..."

"Not the zombies. Them." She pointed to the door and 3 of the dogs were at the door. 

"Go!" I screamed, pulling the scientist and carol away from the terminal and pushing them up the stairs. The dogs growled and started running towards us. I pushed carol and scientist forward, jumping backwards. The dogs had split us up, Carol run at them, "Carol! No!" She jumped up and landed on one of the dogs backs before kicking it in the head. It went down. I was totally shocked at how Carol had down this that I totally forgot about the dogs in front of me. One lunged for me and I brought my knee up the the dogs jaw. It actually flipped and landed on the ground before getting back up and trying to lunge back at me. I kicked the dog in the rips like I did with the last ones. It dropped and before it could get back up, I kicked it in the head numerous times. The scientist was left with the other dog. She was frozen with fear, by the looks of it, but she managed to pull herself together inn time to put a bullet in the dogs head.

"You had a gun?" I said, angry at how she made me get rid of the zombie.

"Emergencies only." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. The crowd had been running with fear as we fought of the dogs so they had almost reached the top.

"6 Minutes until Purge." The computer announced.

"Go." I forced Carol and the scientist up the stairs. We ran up the stairs and the crowd was mostly outside. By the time everyone was through the infected had already reached half way up the stairs. When we got outside we ran for the remaining helicopters and got in it. I looked at the biodome and the Skeletal was bashing the windows and a creeper was climbing up to top. 

"Oh god." The scientist said under her breath. "The electricity that contains them has been deactivated," She turned to the pilot. "we need to get out of here now."

"Sorry ma'am not everyone is on a helicopter. We can't leave without them." Whole crowds streamed into the passenger helicopters.

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