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I ran from that lab without a single look back and passed more labs but these labs had people working on sciency stuff in them. I ran down the hallways checking each lab for Carol and the woman. I ran round one corner and there stood a large man made out of muscle by the look of it. He turned around just as I jumped back round the corner. He grunted and I heard his footsteps walking away from me. I poked my head round the corner just to check that he was gone and he had walked through a large circular door. I followed after him. After all he looked like he was made and Carol could be behind those doors. So I walked up the hallway leading to the door and a guard came out from one of the labs, on either side of the hall, just as I passed its door.

"Oi!" He shouted before jumping on me. I rounded on my feet just as he hit me. I landed on my back, hitting my head off the ground. The man pinned me down before putting a gun to my head. "You've seen too much, Missy, It has to be this way." I panicked and punched him in the gut and then in the face before rolling him off me. He was on all fours and I quickly pushed myself up and put my hand s around his throat and tensed my hands. He grabbed at my hands and tried to take my hands off of his neck but eventually he got weaker and weaker and collapsed onto the ground. I crouched down beside him, I checked his pulse, it was weak but he'd live. I took his gun and some clips from his belt, there was a P.D.A and it was beeping. I picked it up and looked at it. There was a map of the complex and some sort of notes part. I read one with a title 'D.N.A structure project'. It was something about how if this group researched a D.N.A strand of someone that was immune to the effects of the virus and tried mixing it with a D.N.A strand of an infected person, they could cure the infection and restore humanity to the infected and the world. "Someones been watching Resident Evil." I said aloud to myself. Then I realised that Carol and I are immune. I read further to see if I could find where this would happen. It was in a Lab Alpha A. I put the name into the map and lucky for me it was just through the big circular door in front of me. I walked up to it and the door opened. The big guy was lying dead on the floor and Carol was looking over him, she looked like she was on drugs. I walked further into the room and called her name and she ran off with her arms apart and her hands pointing up, like a child does when their impersonating an aeroplane. I followed after her. "Carol!" I called after her again. She stopped and waited for me to catch up. I caught up with her and she told me what was happening, "Victoria, we have to get out of here, they've injected me with the virus and..." Then she stopped and returned to looking high. "Aeroplane. Fwosh!" I followed after until I heard the woman speaking,

"What's happening to her? Fix that damn computer! Why is she changing like this?" She barked at the scientists around her. "Wait the change is finally starting to calm, she's her normal self again. Just double check that."

"Ma'am she seems to have stabilised. But she's passed out."

"Well go get her." The woman barked. Once the men left to find Carol I left my hiding spot and confronted the woman. "How did you get out?!"

"That doesn't matter. What have you done to my sister?"

"Made her a weapon and a cure for the little problem with the public."

"Little Problem?! This is a huge problem and it's been 4 years since it started. You're gonna let Carol and I out of here."

"No Carol is our one chance at fixing this I'm not letting you out of here!" I pointed the gun at the woman and she looked ready to run. "I won't let you go. I can't." I shot a computer and the alarms went off and a voice rang out along the facility.

"Energy systems failing. Please proceed to emergency exits. Lifts being purged. Emergency exits purged in 5 minutes. Please remain calm and proceed to the upper floors."

"You crazy bitch you have released the infect into the facility. The purge will destroy this entire facility not just the science area but the living areas as well. The purge hasn't been completely perfected."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not telling you. I'm getting out of here!" She ran away from me I decided best not to follow her but decided to go find Carol. It wasn't hard she was surrounded by a group of scientists. I grabbed her hand and pulled her by the hand to the door in which the woman was trying to open. "It won't open. The computer isn't responding."

"Move!" I shouted at her. She moved aside and I pulled the small door open and Carol and the scientists went through, I quickly jumped through before the door slide closed. The room we just entered was dark and I could barely see in front of myself. The woman had a torch in her hand and was leading the way, 2 other scientists had torches also.

"This way." The woman led. "The stairwell for emergencies should be just up ahead."

"Where will that take us?" I asked the woman.

"It will take us to the living area then we have to go through the area and leave through another stairwell."

"Why not just make this one long enough to lead straight to the surface?"

"We would need to evacuate everyone." We reached the stairs and climbed up them as fast as we could. we reached the end just as the stairs disconnected from the landing and falling down a large chute. We opened the door and ran through the living area. I stopped and recognised the room. We were in the cafe but Jessica and the others had already gone. "They must have already been evacuated but how?" The woman questioned. "We better hurry. The purge will begin in a few minutes." She tugged my hand and pulled me out of the room. Everyone was running down the hallway. They were being led through a small door.

"There!" Carol shouted. we ran after them.

"Go! Go!" The woman was screaming at the people.

"The Purge will commence in 10 minutes." The same voice from downstairs announced.

"Move! Move!" I screamed at everyone.

"We have ten minutes, we'll be fine." Carol remarked.

"It'll take 10 minutes to get to the surface." I panicked.

"Oh." Carol looked worried before shouting at everyone to hurry.

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