Chapter 13

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Hey! So as promised, I posted a second chapter today! Yay me! Anyway, here you go

It was evening now and Lucy was heading down to the kitchen to grab food for Natsu. She hadn't had time to go see Levy today and tell her what was going on, or figure out a way to help Natsu get back on his feet faster, but it couldn't be helped. She'd have to think about it tomorrow. She was approaching the kitchen when she saw a glint of metal from the kitchen doorway. She froze, but cautiously approached, gluing herself to the wall. As she came closer, she saw a boy, about fourteen or fifteen by the looks of it, with an armored chest plate and a sword strapped to his belt standing in front of the kitchen door. Damn it. So Mira really did talk to Laxus about posting a guard at the kitchen, or guard in training since he was so young.

I am so screwed, what am I gonna do? Maybe I can just order him not to say anything since I'm the princess. I hate doing that though... Urgh, what am I gonna do?! Maybe he'll understand if I tell him that I have a friend outside of the castle who needs food, and this is the only way I can get it. As if, Lucy!

Suddenly Lucy saw the young boy glance around before pulling a bag out of his shirt and going into the kitchen. She slowly followed him to see what he was going to do. He looked around and grabbed a loaf of bread, some cheese, grapes, and chicken. He started to pack everything neatly into the bag and Lucy heard him talking to himself.

"I shouldn't be doing this. I really shouldn't be doing this, especially on my first day working at the castle. But I don't have a choice... Remember who you're doing this for, Romeo. You're doing it for her, just think about her, think about Wendy. Wendy, Wendy, Wendy."

Lucy froze as she heard the name he said. Wendy. There's no way it could possibly be the Wendy Natsu was talking about, right? No way. Well, there was only one way to find out. Lucy stepped into the kitchen and silently closed the door behind her. The now known Romeo froze and looked at her.

"What do you know about the ryu, Wendy?" Lucy asked demandingly, locking the door behind her.

The boy Romeo squinted at her then his eyes widened.

"P-Princess Lucy?" he asked disbelievingly.

"Yes, now what do you know about the ryu, Wendy?" she asked impatiently.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you're talking about, Your Highness, and I don't know what a ryu is," he said, awkwardly shifting around.

Lucy could tell he was lying because of the way he was shuffling and trying too hard to keep eye contact with her.

"You're a horrible liar," she said with her brow raised.


"And don't try to deny it, I heard you talking to yourself."

"I'm sorry, Princess, but I can't tell you. You can do whatever you want to me and I still won't tell you," he said determinedly.

Lucy's gaze softened. This boy was standing up to her, the princess, because he wanted to protect Wendy, no matter the cost.

"Listen, Romeo. I understand that you want to protect Wendy, I have someone I want to protect too, even if it means lying to my friends, but this is important, I just need to know if she's ok or not. I want to help," Lucy said, speaking gently this time.

He stared at her, obviously unsure whether to tell her or not.

"I need to know for Natsu," she finally said, hoping that Wendy had told him about her companions.

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