Chapter 45

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Hello, everyone!! I know I've been gone super long, but I have an excuse! A very valid excuse!

Mira: And what excuse would that be? 

Meena: Oh hey, Mira! The excuse would be that I had no wifi. Literally. But I have been writing this consistently! I have everything written out, and am currently writing the epilogue! So sad!

Mira: It's ending already? But I haven't been on here that long!

Meena: Sorry, Mira. But all good things must come to an end, unfortunately. Hopefuly, you'll be happy with the end. 

Mira: *pouts* Yeah, whatever....

Meena: Anyway, are you still going to do the honors, or are you just going to pout?

Mira: Yes! Now, without further ado, here is chapter 45!

            "FIRE!" a voice shouted, before a giant boom was heard, and something collided with Acnologia's jaw, pushing the giant dragon backwards, and forcing him to let go of Lucy. She cried out as she hit the floor, the wind knocked out of her temporarily. She blinked back tears, and tried to turn to see what was happening, but she was in too much pain to do even that.

            "FIRE!" The voice sounded again, and this time Lucy was sure it was familiar.

            She heard another explosion, and a flaming ball found its mark on Acnologia's chest this time, driving him further back. Lucy recognized the weapon now: it was a cannonball! She didn't know who was attacking or whether it was the imperial forces, but at this point, all she cared about was that someone had come to their aid.

            Lucy knew she had to move, somehow get away from Acnologia. She gritted her teeth, and mustered up her strength, trying to push herself into a sitting position. Pain exploded in her abdomen, and it was all she could do to keep from crying out. Tears streamed down her face as she scanned the rocky ground, that she now recognized as the destroyed cave, for her weapon. Her attention was diverted, however, as she saw a blue head of hair running towards her. It was Levy, ducking Acnologia's tail while he roared in fury as she ran towards her, her determined honey brown eyes glistening with tears.

            She finally reached her as the voice cried, "FIRE!" yet again. She knelt down next to her and scanned her over, eyes widening in horror.

            "Oh, Lu-chan," she gasped.

            "Levy-chan, you shouldn't be here," Lucy gritted out, feeling slightly light-headed from blood loss.

            "We came here together for a reason! Now, I may not be some all-powerful being that's supposed to maintain the balance in the world, but I am your best friend! I have as much of a right to be here as you do!" Levy said vehemently, her pent up frustration from not doing anything bursting out in this one statement.

            Lucy didn't have time to respond as the bluenette then grabbed the hem of her dress in her hands, and pulled, ripping the fabric until her underwear was practically exposed. She then wrapped the orange fabric around Lucy's mid-section, and tied it tightly, causing Lucy to whimper in pain.

            "Sorry, but that should stop the bleeding for now," Levy said. "Now come on, we need to get you out of here."

            She wrapped one arm under Lucy's arm, and hauled her to her feet. Lucy bit her tongue to keep from screaming, wanting nothing more than to just lie down, but she knew she couldn't afford to do that. Slowly, they made their way around Acnologia, who was currently being crushed under an onslaught of cannonballs. The familiar voice kept yelling fire, but Lucy couldn't discern just whom it belonged to through the burning in her abdomen. Soon enough, they were behind Acnologia and in front of a large rock that seemed to be a remnant of the cave wall the dragon had blasted through. They hid behind it, and Lucy looked to see that Romeo, Porlyusica, Lily, Carla, Frosch, Sting, and Rogue were all there as well. Romeo turned pale as he took in her state, and Sting and Rogue grimaced, looking guilty for some reason.

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