Chapter 9

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Lucy held her head in her palm as she watched Natsu scarf down the food she had brought him. He was done in less than ten minutes.

"I brought something that you're going to like," she said getting up.

"Really?" he asked excitedly. "What is it?"

The way his eyes lit up like an excited child was completely thrilling, and she loved it.

"You'll see," she said, oggling as she watched him pout cutely at her.

She rummaged through the bag happily and pulled out one box of matches. She then went to retrieve one of the two torches that were still planted in the ground from when she had brought them the first time. She opened the matchbox and struck a match, glancing at Natsu's face to see his reaction. His eyes were sparkling and he was practically drooling. She giggles at his reaction and lit the torch aflame. She saw Natsu start to open his mouth to suck the fire up, but she held a finger up, signaling him to wait. He cocked his head at her quizzically with a fallen expression on his face. She decided to toy with him a bit.

"This isn't for you Natsu," she said, repressing the smile that wanted paint itself on her face at her his completely disappointed look.

"What do you mean its not for me? You said you had a surprise for me," he said.

"This isn't your surprise, Natsu. This is so I can see," she said, waving the flaming torch in front of him.

"Then what's my surprise?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest with an annoyed expression on his face.

"She rummaged through the bag again, holding the torch far away from her so that nothing would catch fire. Then she brought out the book she had brought for Natsu, and held it up in front of his face.

"A book?" he asked incredulously. "Your surprise for me is a book?"

"Yes," she said, biting her lip. It was getting harder and harder not to laugh. "You said you would read the book I brought you, so I picked out one that I'm sure you'll like."

"You're so mean, Lucy," he said, turning away from her to mask his dejected look.

"I am not," she protested. "I told you I was going to bring you a book and I really think you're going to like this one. That's why it's a surprise."

"You're mean. You lit the torch on purpose," he pouted.

"Come on, Natsu. Of course I didn't," she lied. "I just lit it so that you would be able to read better. Its dark after all."

"I can see in the dark," he pointed out.

"Well, I forgot."

It was getting hard to keep this up.

"You're so mean, Lucy."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"




Natsu turned to look at her and his face nearly broke her heart. He was pouting with big puppy eyes and tears at the corners of his eyes. Lucy couldn't do it anymore. She firmly planted the torch in the ground before dropping to the ground laughing her head off. Natsu just glared at her until she quieted down. She sat back up again, wiping a tear of laughter away. Natsu was glaring daggers at her while pouting, and gave her the same face as before, making her crumble at his feet.

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