Chapter 26

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                   Hello, everybody! And welcome back to Dragon Boy and Princess! *cue the applause* Now then today's little talk before the chapter will be about how no one other than mysterico, bless her soul, bothered to comment when I asked you guys a question and I'm kind of mad about that. I know other people read this, actually this story has 1k readers, yet no one seems to comment at all. I know some of you might be shy and all, but 1000 people can't all be shy, right? So, I'd really appreciate it if once in a while someone commented and told me their thoughts about the chapter, maybe tell me something that doesn't make sense like a plot hole, or at least respond when I ask you guys a question. That would be much appreciated. As always thanks to everyone who votes, since they're are more people who do that than comment, that is much appreciated. We writers are here on wattpad not because we want attention or money, at least in most cases, but because we want to improve as writers and put our work out there for other people to enjoy. The least the readers can do is say whether they like it or not, politely of course. If we don't feel supported we won't be as motivated and our chapters will either be crappy or we'll just stop writing in the long run. That's actually one of the reason I went on hiatus for such a long time, is because I didn't feel supported. So please, readers, show your support in some way or another. Anyway, on a lighter note, this chapter is for you so without further ado, here is chapter 26!

     The week went by fast, much to Lucy's dismay, with her having free time to hang out with her friends in the morning, and then hours of dancing torture. By the time, she got to Natsu, they weren't even able to talk because she would pass out immediately from exhaustion. Thankfully enough though, Gray seemed to have forgotten about her little slip up, and hadn't asked her about it again. She did however have time to catch up with Juvia about a multitude of things, especially about the date Gray had taken her on the first day. Apparently he had taken her to an indoor skating rink, and taught her how to ice skate for the first time, and then they both went to a pastry café. Juvia had been ecstatic about the ice-skating. She had always wanted to try, and because she didn't know how, Gray was holding her hands the whole time, which Juvia had been especially happy about. Lucy was very happy for her friend, Juvia deserved to be happy with the one she loved. If only Lucy had the same luxury.

     Juvia suddenly came twirling into Lucy's bedroom and drew back the curtains, letting the sunlight into the room. Lucy of course was already awake, but she put her hand over her eyes anyway.

     "Good morning, Lucy-san!" she sang happily.

     Lucy groaned and pulled the covers over her head. She did not want to face today at all.

     "Come on, Lucy-san. You have to get up," Juvia sighed, and Lucy felt the bed dip beneath her.        She turned to Juvia and sighed as well.

     "I don't want to do this today," Lucy said truthfully.

     Juvia smiled apologetically at Lucy.

     "Juvia knows," she said. "But it is inevitable unless you want to face your father. Might as well get it over with."

     Lucy's face darkened at the mention of the man she called her father, but she knew Juvia was right; she might as well get it over with. She sighed once more before heaving herself up swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Once she stood, she grimaced at the pain in her legs. They were extremely sore after the intense hours of dance.

     "I'm so sore, I don't think I'll be able to dance when I'm actually supposed to!" Lucy exclaimed.

     That's right, today was the day. The day Prince Loke was coming to the castle, and the day of the ball.

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