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Hey, guys! I know it's been a seriously long time, and I know I've been promising this for a long time, but it is done! The Epilogue is finally done, and very long. I guess I really just wanted to say a lot about all the characters' lives afterwards, and what Lucy has become. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy as I spent more than 10 hours on this , believe it or not. 

Mira: I can't believe it's time to say goodbye!

Meena: Well it is. Thanks for accompanying me, Mira. 

Mira: Of course!

Meena: Would you like to do the honors one last time?

Mira: Hai. Without further ado, here is the epilogue of Dragon Boy and Princess

            Lucy hummed as she swept the wooden floor of the living room. Everyone had finally left the house, so Lucy could finally clean in peace. Her leg bumped something plastic, and she frowned, bending down to pick up a figurine of a dragon. Toys were always lying around these days, but she had yet to get used to it. She walked up the stairs, looking out through the glass walls at the large valley surrounded by mountains, before emerging onto the second floor. She pushed open the second door to her left. The walls of the room were a dark pink, bordering on red. There was a large king size bed in the middle, a white duvet with pink lace on top of it with pale pink pillows, clothes strewn all over it. To the left was the door to a walk-in closet, and decorating all the walls of the room were pictures. To the right was a desk with a pile of books sitting in the middle, The Fifth Wave sitting at the very top.

            She placed the figurine on the desk, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. The door across from this one was open, revealing the exact replica just with cream walls, and a blue bed. The bed was made impeccably, and there were no clothes or mess visible anywhere. She sighed as she went to close the door of the room. Why was her son neater than her daughter? She shook her head as she went back downstairs; Nashi was so getting a scolding as soon as she came back.

           It had been a bit more than thirteen years since Lucy had defeated Acnologia, and when she had, she'd decided not to go back to the palace. She hadn't known at the time if she could forgive her father for all he'd done despite knowing his motives. She wanted to try living without any restraint, without the obligations of being a royal, and so far, she was happy. As soon as everyone had recovered, Erza had gone back to Fiore with everyone with orders to tell her father not to come look for her, which he really couldn't do now anyway since no one Lucy didn't want could come through the barrier she'd put up between their world and the human world. Natsu and the other ryus had set their minds on rebuilding, so Natsu had built the both of them a house on one of the mountains overlooking the valley. Gajeel and Levy lived just to the right of them. The rest lived a little farther down the mountain. Porlyusica had her own house relatively close to Wendy's and Romeo's place since she seemed to like her the best.

            That wasn't all though. Throughout the course of those thirteen years, she had called upon the Celestial Spirits multiple time, (though Aquarius had acted none too happy about it), and learned everything about magic and being a guardian. She was teaching her kids too, though Igneel seemed to be struggling a bit more than Nashi.

            Yeah, Natsu and her had finally done it, and had kids, two to be exact: Nashi and Igneel. Nashi was two and half years older than Igneel. Yes, they had decided to name their son after Natsu's father. Their grandfather had been extremely flattered once they'd told him. Levy and Gajeel had actually been talking about having kids long before Lucy and Natsu did, but they didn't get lucky until a year and a half after Nashi was born. Their eldest, Metallica, was a year older than Igneel, but that didn't stop them from being the best of friends. In fact, it was obvious that although they were so young, the two were quite taken with each other: they were never apart. If you took one away from the other, they would throw a tantrum until they were reunited. As such, when Metallica and Igneel had to say goodbye at the end of the day, it was a nightmare, which was why most often, one of them would end up sleeping at the house of the other. Gajeel wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole thing, but Lucy knew Igneel was starting to grow on him.

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