Chapter 25

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     Konnichiwa, minna! I've missed you weirdoes! So, it hasn't been too long since my last update. Yay! As you all know, I'm on vacation, so that is definitely helping with me updating again. Even though it's vacation, I am so spent! I am so unbearably tired right now, you guys have no idea. I've been out and about in the city all day today cause I've got some friends from Switzerland over and we're making them visit the city. Although, I guess you could say that I'm also a tourist in my own city since I know like nothing about it! I guess that's just part of being an introvert, huh? So, yeah. I am quite happy though. I've discovered a lot, and I'm writing so that always makes my happy. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this, and without further ado, here is chapter 25!       

     Lucy's legs and feet felt like they were on fire. After getting back from town where they had left Levy, Lucy was forced to do four hours of nonstop dancing lessons to perfect her technique, although she didn't how much more perfect it could get: she had had done lessons since she was old enough to walk. On top of that, she had her hand-to-hand combat training with Erza, which only added to her physical pain. She was going to have one hell of a time climbing down the castle wall and walking all the way to the clearing.

     Once she had gotten what she needed from the kitchen and gotten back up to her room, she flipped herself off the balcony and scaled it skillfully. As she landed on the floor, she groaned in pain. She was sure she was going to collapse as soon as she reached Natsu.

     The trek there was painfully slow, literally. It probably took double the time it should have taken her, and as soon as she stepped into the clearing, she let herself fall. Well, she was expecting to fall anyway. Instead, she felt a pair of strong arms she knew so well wrap around her and pull her up, relieving her feet of the pain they were in. "Oi, Lucy! What's wrong?! Why did you just suddenly collapse?!" Natsu's worried voice came to her, and from her position against him, she could feel the vibrations in his chest as he talked and found them quite soothing. Natsu lifted her bridal style, and Lucy buried her face in his scarf, inhaling his fiery scent.

     He eventually sat down at the base of the willow tree and settled her in his lap. "Oi, Lucy, you gonna tell me what happened now?" Lucy heard a sniffing sound, then Natsu said, "I don't smell any blood or anything and you don't seem hurt? OH MY MAVIS, LUCY ARE YOU PREGNANT?!!"

     Lucy snapped up in surprise; of all the things Natsu could have thought of, he thought of that?!

     "What the-no, you idiot! Why the hell would you think I'm pregnant?!!" she yelled, punching him for effect.

     "OW! Well, I don't know, you're a woman and you're not visibly hurt and Carla's always going on about how women suffer more than men do because being pregnant is painful, so I thought-OW, LUCY!"

     Lucy had smacked him over the head again, a vein pulsing on her forehead. "Don't just jump to conclusions like that, you dummy!! Do you even know how babies are made?!"

     Natsu started shifting uncomfortably beneath her, his tail hitting the ground as he flicked it back and forth. He wouldn't meet her eyes and she swore she saw smoke coming out of his ears.

     "Y-Yeah, G-Gajeel told a week ago," he muttered.

     "You only knew about that a week ago?!" Lucy asked, eyes bulging in disbelief.

     "Y-Yeah, so what? I'm sure there are plenty of people who find out when they're eighteen," he defended himself.

     Lucy sweat dropped. "Natsu, most people know when they're twelve, and some even earlier."

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