Chapter 11

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Sorry to keep you guys waiting minna! I've just been busy hanging out with my friends in Switzerland and watching Miraculous Ladybug!!! So good! My new ship is officially Miraculous Ladybug x Chat Noir! Definitely go watch that, it's a great cartoon. Anyway, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Mysterico_Anime because she is the first person to comment her appreciation on my story, and she's very sweet. Also a special shout out to SallyHale8 for coting on all my chapters, so thank you!!! And without further ado, I present to you chapter 11!!

Lucy managed to shoo everyone out of her room, mostly by embarrassing Juvia and Gray further so that Gray eventually grabbed Juvia's hand and left, Erza following close behind, smiling all the way. Lucy closed her door and leaned her back against it, sighing in relief that she had been able to get everyone out of her room so quickly.

She ran over to her little cubbyhole, soundlessly removing the tiles and placing them beside her. She threw on a frilly yellow tank top and some dark pants. The yellow tank probably wasn't the stealthiest thing she could wear, but she'd done it before, and she had managed to escape surveillance, plus she was in a hurry, and maybe she wanted to look good when she went to see Natsu... She rushed to the kitchen, well as fast as she could go without being caught that is. She briefly recalled the conversation she had overheard Mira and Lissana having and hoped to the heavens that they hadn't posted a guard at the kitchen door. Thankfully, they hadn't.

Lucy decided to grab a couple more rolls of bandages and gauze and packed all her supplies in her bag. She snuck back to her room and after slipping her boots on, vaulted off the balcony. When she hit the ground, she immediately began to sprint because she knew the guards would be coming around to look her way anytime now. She kept running the whole way, hoping that Natsu hadn't done anything stupid because she was late like last time.

She broke through the trees into the clearing and stopped, hands on her knees, panting. Once she had regained her breath, she looked up to see a very cranky looking Natsu drumming his fingers on his knee. She gave him a nervous smile as her words tumbled out in a rush, "I'm so sorry I'm late, Natsu! It's just that I was just the cause of something amazing!!"

Natsu just raised a brow and continued to stare at her, but Lucy ignored him and ran over to him, taking his hands excitedly, not noticing the blush that coated his cheeks at her gesture.

"I just set up Gray and Juvia and I entered my room and they were making out!!" Lucy squealed, squeezing Natsu's hands in her own.

"Just hold up a minute, Luce! You're going too fast for me! Now who's Gray and who's Juvia again?"

"Gray is basically my brother and Juvia is my lady in waiting. Juvia's been in love with Gray ever since they met, and I just knew that Gray loved her back so I made him go ask her out, and when I came into my room later, they were kissing on my bed!!"

"That sounds gross, good thing you're not actually gonna sleep in your bed tonight," Natsu said, making a face.

"Just wait until Mira finds out that Gruvia has finally come true, and not because of one of her schemes this time!" Lucy continued, ignoring Natsu's statement.

"Gruvia?" Natsu sweatdropped. "Seriously?"

"Mira's the one who made it up and it just kind of stuck. She's the shipping queen, except that she sort of ships everyone with everyone to see who the best couple would be. You know, before Juvia came into the picture Mira wanted my and Gray to be together and called us Graylu," Lucy said, remembering that horrible time.

"Say what?" Natsu growled, looking quite peeved.

"But that's just gross cause Gray is my brother and I have never thought of him that way," Lucy said, shivering at the thought.

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