Chapter 34

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Konnichiwa, minna!!!! Again, don't kill me!!!! I know I've been gone so long, but I honestly have had so much going on the past weeks. But it's almost thanksgiving!!!! Yay.... except that I don't know what we're doing; my parents are still deciding while my friend went to JAPAN yesterday!!!!! I'm so envious!!!! TˆT No fair!! I hope he gets me something, but we'll see. Anywho, again, I will try to get back on track as soon as I can, but without further ado, here is chapter 34!

            The cat halted suddenly in midair, causing him to somersault through the air before he spun around to look at her.

            "How do you know my name?" he asked bewildered.

            "I know Natsu! He told me about you!" she said, suddenly very excited.

            "What do you mean you know Natsu?" he asked soaring towards her suddenly until he was directly in front of her face.

            "We're... friends," she said, though it somewhat pained her to say it. "I found him when he crash landed after your fight with... oh what's his name again? Acnologia!"

            "You did?! Where is he now? Is he in the castle? Take me to him!" Happy said, suddenly very excited as his small paws gripped onto her dress.

            "No, he's not in the castle," Lucy said, seriously wondering how bright this cat really was. "He's in a clearing in the forest. If he were in the castle, the guards would find him for sure."

            "Oh, right!" Happy said, smacking a fist into his paw.

            Lucy sweat dropped; for some reason she thought Natsu and Happy suited each other.

            "So, can you take me to him? Huh?" Happy asked excitedly.

            "Not now," Lucy said, looking away as she remembered her situation. "Maybe tomorrow."

            "What? No! I need to see him now! Please!" Happy pleaded. "Do you know how long I've been looking for him?!"

            "Well I can't right now! I kind of have my own problem here, so leave me alone!" Lucy yelled, startling herself. She looked at Happy whose eyes were now wide. She bit her lip, feeling bad for taking out her frustration on Happy, who had probably been looking for Natsu for who knew how long.

            "People would notice if I went missing right now, so I have to take you tomorrow," she said quietly, not looking at him. "My room is in the east wing of the castle, the last window. You can go there and hide there for now." And with that, Lucy gathered the skirt of her gown in one hand, and walked back into the ballroom, her face already set in a mask.

            The ball had ended rather joyfully. Everyone had seemed to enjoy himself or herself even as Jude watched them smugly from atop his golden throne. Lucy had been forced to sit on the smaller throne next to him, as was custom, and endure a painfully awkward silence before going back to the dance floor with Gray. It had not escaped Gray's attention that Lucy was upset, but he knew not to say anything, not right then anyway. Occasionally in between the dancing people she would spot Loke and Aries dancing together, both looking miserable and holding onto each other as if their lives depended on it. And as ridiculous as it seemed, Lucy felt horribly guilty. Some would tell her that it wasn't her fault, that it was her father's, but Lucy couldn't help thinking that if she just had just spoken up for once in her life then maybe things would not have ended up this way, she would not be ripping two in love apart. She held herself together until the end of the ball, but as soon as Gray dropped her off at her room, she rushed in without letting him say a word, and collapsed on her bed in tears.

            In that moment, she hated everything: her father, the palace, being a princess, but most of all herself. It seemed to be a repeating cycle: she constantly complained about her life, but never did anything to change it. Even now when she had made the decision that she would not stand by and let her father do whatever he wanted with her life, here she was crying in her room, not protesting his announcement of her engagement. She was pathetic.

            Lucy felt something furry crawl under her arm and jumped up in surprise. It was Happy. The little blue fur ball was looking up at her with sad eyes, and he snuggled into her, purring as he did so. His purring reminded her of Natsu, and the tears again started to flow as her heart constricted. Natsu would not have stood by and said nothing; he would have fought against the decision, probably with a lot of fire involved. At the thought of that, she let a little laugh out. If only I could be more like you, Natsu...

Excuse the short chapter, but I've been struggling with how to write this story from here. I have to get back into it, and I'm working on it, but don't worry! I will never give up on this story! I have committed to it and will see it through to the end! For those of you that are Sasusaku fans, please feel free to check out my newest story Torn. Also, if you guys comment questions, we can do a Q&A next update! SO comment, please! Anywho, see next time. Ja ne!

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