Chapter 4

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Lucy blearily blinked her eyes open, but closed them immediately because of the brightness. Maybe she'd just wait until Juvia came to wake her up for once. Wait. Thinking about it now... did she ever go back home? Probably best to find out. She opened her eyes and blinked until her eyes adjusted to the brightness. She felt abnormally, but comfortably warm. Her head was laying against something warm but rough, there was something warm around her waist, making her want to go back to sleep. She turned her head to the right and her suspicions were confirmed, she was laying against Natsu's chest and his arm was wrapped around her waist. Her first reaction was to blush the color of Erza's hair. Her next reaction was to give him her famous Lucy Kick, well known by Gray, but before she could, the rational part of her brain sent her a warning sign saying that he was badly injured, and it was not a good idea to kick him. So, she listened and instead lifted her right hand that WAS SITTING ON ONE OF HIS PECS, to his face, planning on poking his face, but stopped short seeing his sleeping face. Cute... He looked so adorable and calm sleeping. His face was completely relaxed, and his lips were slightly parted. She wished she could snap a picture of him or something, but she couldn't. So, she settled for simply trying to memorize his features.

She tentatively reached out and ran her fingers through his pink locks. She was so mesmerized by their softness that she hadn't realized that Natsu had woken up, and was watching her while leaning into her touch unwillingly. She also didn't realize that she was smiling softly all the while. From what she had gathered from their talk last night, she had learned that he was a very loud person, outgoing, happy-go-lucky type of person, competitive, loyal, friendly, had the mind of a child, and could be kind of obnoxious. But she knew that she had found a very special person, besides the fact that he had dragon features. (Plus his hair was so soft! How could she not?!)

She glanced down at his face and was surprised to see him watching her. Her face heated up and she became a stuttering mess while he just looked at her curiously. She quickly backed away, and said, "I-I, um, I-, Why were you holding me?"

Thank god she came up with that.

"You were shivering during the night, so I thought I would warm you up!" he said with a grin.

"You could have just pulled a blanket over me," she pointed out.

"Nah, I'm way warmer than a blanket."

"Yeah, I noticed you had an abnormal body temperature. I was afraid you had a fever."

"No, that's my normal body temperature."

"Does it have something to do with you being able to do... tricks, for lack of a better word, with fire?"

"Yeah, sorta," he said scratching the back of his neck. "Its complicated, I don't have a great understanding of it either... It's just normal for me," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, ok," Lucy sweatdropped.

"Anyway, why were you on top of me, Luce?"

"I-I," Lucy stuttered. She could feel her face burning up. "Why, would you look at the time! I really should get going. Ahahahaha... Oh, wow, it really is late!! It's almost 8:45! Shit! I have to go! Juvia's coming to wake me up in 15 minutes!!"

"Hey, wait! I'm hungry!"

"I promise I'll bring you food tonight, and try not to eat everything this time so you actually have something left for the morning!" she called over her shoulder as she shook out the big brown bag she had brought last night, making sure there was nothing left before she chucked it over her shoulder.

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